Terminated Members Report - Current Dues Year

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The Chapter Portal has the capability to report terminated members for the current renewal cycle. This function will show exactly who has been terminated, when and for what reason. Those marked “No Payment” were terminated as part of our regular “membership drops”. Those marked “Cancelled” were terminated due to a notification (chapter, company, member, etc.). We also have some individuals who have been terminated due to a transfer, retirement or death.

This function will also allow you to download your data into an Excel Spreadsheet.

How to Access Terminated Members

Log into the NAIOP portal from the homepage (www.naiop.org) by choosing “Sign In” and using your email address and member number as password (unless you changed your password).

Once you log in, click your name in the upper right hand of the homepage and choose Manage My Account. This will take you to your Account Page.

Click Chapter Portal and choose Terminated Memberships.

The list of Current Terminated Members will then appear.

There are a number of columns included. Either download to an Excel spreadsheet or use the toggle bar at the bottom of the page to move over to see all information.


  • The information is updated daily to reflect all payments coming in.
  • Columns not bolded can be filtered online (i.e. Customer ID, Rate, Cycle State, Termination Date, etc.).
  • Members terminated as part of the annual “drop” have the same early-March termination date.