Support the Foundation

Each year, the NAIOP Research Foundation initiates research projects that provide vital information that commercial real estate professionals need to make informed decisions that position them for success. To continue to conduct this important research - including identifying projects, funding research and disseminating findings - financial support is essential.

Your support will allow the Research Foundation to advance its agenda and expand its role of developing and disseminating forward-looking research, and providing thorough leadership on best industry practices.


You or your organization may support the work of the NAIOP Research Foundation! Supporting the NAIOP Research Foundation through its diverse giving programs allows individuals and organizations to invest in projects and initiatives that advance the commercial real estate industry.

Become a Governor

Individuals who demonstrate an advanced dedication to guiding the future of the commercial real estate industry by pledging significant financial support of the work of the Research Foundation are invited to accept the lifetime distinction of Governor. Governors support the Foundation's program of work through their contributions and by giving their time and sharing their expertise.

Become an Annual Contributor

Annual tax-deductible contributions to the Foundation are an integral part of the Foundation's fundraising strategy. The combined generosity of our contributors gives the Foundation the flexibility to undertake new research, education and leadership development initiatives.

Contribute to the Sustainers Fund

Demand for Foundation research initiatives has never been greater. However, only a portion of the costs of producing the Foundation's cutting-edge research is covered by traditional sources of revenue. To ensure that the Foundation is able to meet the Industry's call for thought leadership, additional support is vitally needed. To proactively address this situation, the Foundation has created a new annual giving program called the Sustainers Fund. Support the Foundation Each Year

Every year, don’t forget to support the Foundation by making a gift along with your NAIOP membership dues renewal.

Gift Types

Individuals, companies and other organizations can make a single gift, or decide to continue to give over a period of time. A number of key initiatives have been identified that, if funded, will grow the Foundation's leadership role in serving the commercial real estate profession and our communities.

Underwrite a Project or Major Initiative

Individuals and organizations can support the work of the NAIOP Research Foundation by either making an endowment or term gift.

Major Gifts and Named Gifts

Major gifts provide the investment capital necessary for the Research Foundation to expand its role of producing forward-looking research. Named gift opportunities are available to contributors who wish to have a NAIOP Research Foundation program or initiative credited to them. Such gifts can be designated for a particular purpose, or can remain undesignated and available to help underwrite a variety of Foundation activities.

Endowment Gifts

Endowment gifts are placed in a permanent fund, usually allowing only the earned interest to be spent. As the endowment grows, so does the ability of the organization to be more proactive in addressing the need for action in these areas.

Term Gifts

Term gifts are made by donors to support a current or new Foundation initiative for a determined period of time. Funds are used in their entirety over the term of the gift.

Donor Recognition

Donors who make gifts that are designated for a particular program or fund will receive name recognition in promotional printed material and in reports that are generated from the activities supported by the funding.

Contact Us

If you would like to do your part in helping support this unique and valuable resource, contact Bennett Gray, vice president, NAIOP Research Foundation, at or 703-674-1436. The Research Foundation was established as a 501(c)(3) organization, making your contribution deductible for federal income tax purposes within legal limits.


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