The coronavirus hit the economy and commercial real estate like a hurricane.

Summer 2020 Issue

Will Teleworking Change the Future of the Office?

By: Shawn Moura, Ph.D., and Trey Barrineau

The COVID-19 pandemic might not have a massive economic effect on the office sector, but it could spark big new ideas on the use of space.

Pain Spreads Wide in Retail and Hospitality

By: Shawn Moura, Ph.D., and Trey Barrineau

The effects of the coronavirus hit these sectors earlier, faster and more deeply than other areas of commercial real estate.

Amazon Could Provide a Peek at Industrial’s Post-COVID Future

By: Ed Klimek

The e-commerce giant understands how to connect products and consumers.

Experts Speak: COVID-19’s Impact on Commercial Real Estate

By: Ron Derven

Industry researchers respond to the crisis and take a look at what’s on the horizon.

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Must-Read Articles

CRE Loan Defaults: A Brief Guide for Lenders and Borrowers

By: Clayton Gantz, Steve Edwards and Tom Muller
The coronavirus pandemic could create a lot of distressed assets.

Five Issues Landlords Should Consider Regarding a Pandemic's Impact on Commercial Tenants

By: Michael Stewart
Many tenants need rent relief, but what are the best ways to go about providing it?

Construction Considerations During the COVID-19 Pandemic

By: Marie Ruff
An open, collaborative mindset is important in these unprecedented times.

COVID-19 Could Lead to Cleaner, Healthier Buildings

By: Trey Barrineau
Expanded sanitation processes and improved HVAC systems could become standard in the years ahead.

Property Owners Must Prepare for Potential COVID-19 Liability Issues

By: Ron Derven
During a pandemic, business-interruption insurance may not be a panacea.

Negotiating with Tenants During a Major Economic Disruption

By: Ron Derven
Flexibility is a must, but document everything as specifically as possible.

Force Majeure During a Pandemic: What You Need to Know

By: Grace Winters and Timi Anyon Hallem
It’s crucial to review contracts during uncertain times.

The Importance of In-Building Wireless for the FirstNet Emergency Network

By: Ted Hebron
A dedicated digital network for first responders might require modifications to commercial properties.


By: Hany Guirguis, Ph.D., Manhattan College and Joshua Harris, Ph.D., Fordham University
In the second half of 2024, U.S. industrial net absorption totaled 96.9 million square feet, bringing the annual total to just 170.8 million square feet. This is the lowest annual rate since 2011, as long-term interest rates remained elevated despite the Federal Reserve’s initial cuts to the federal funds rate.
By: Brian Lewandowski, Adam Illig, Ethan Street and Richard Wobbekind, Ph.D.
Development and construction of new commercial real estate in the United States – office, industrial, warehouse and retail – generates significant economic growth at the state and national levels. This annual study, published by the NAIOP Research Foundation, measures the contribution to GDP, salaries and wages generated and jobs supported from the development and operations of commercial real estate.
By: Hany Guirguis, Ph.D., Manhattan College and Joshua Harris, Ph.D., CRE, CAIA, Fordham University
Net office space absorption in the fourth quarter of 2024 is expected to be 9.4 million square feet, with another 10.8 million square feet of positive absorption for the full year in 2025 and 3.9 million square feet of positive absorption in the first three quarters of 2026.


Jim Neyer, NAIOP’s national chairman in 2018, retired from AI.Neyer on May 1.
By: Larry Lance
It’s during times like this that we have to prioritize what’s most important.
By: Jennifer LeFurgy
Although pandemics are not necessarily outliers, I don’t think many of us could have predicted the events of the past months.
By: Richard Tucker
Industry’s charitable efforts help save lives and ease the economic burdens of the pandemic.


By: Trey Barrineau
Important advice for borrowers who own buildings where tenants are in trouble.
By: Trey Barrineau
The coronavirus pandemic could push contractors to consider technological solutions to labor issues.
By: NAIOP Government Affairs Staff
Congress and the Federal Reserve took unprecedented action to shore up businesses, including commercial real estate.


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