Construction Costs Outlook

By: Ken Simonson Summer 2019 Issue

After a brief retreat, outlays for materials are poised to increase; meanwhile, compensation for workers continues to climb.

Some Property Owners Could Face Surprising Tax Bills

By: Dan Thrailkill Summer 2019 Issue

A drafting error in the recent tax reform law has the potential to take a big bite out of the bottom line for developers who renovate properties for new tenants.

Finance Articles from Previous Issues

By: Trey Barrineau
Spring 2019 Issue
The sector’s productivity hasn’t improved much in years, but that could be changing as workforce challenges increase.
By: Adam Gower
Spring 2019 Issue
The real estate crowdfunding platform lost sight of its core competency, but it also proved that there’s a demand for what it provides.
By: Ken Simonson
Winter 2018/2019 Issue
Labor shortages, higher prices for materials loom larger.
By: J.R. Foster
Winter 2018/2019 Issue
Don’t get tripped up on the path to securing a commercial real estate loan.
By: Gary Magnuson
Winter 2018/2019 Issue
Be prepared to answer a long list of questions when seeking financing for a project.
By: Rep. Ron Kind
Fall 2018 Issue
Qualified Opportunity Zones will capitalize on rural America’s “can-do” attitude.
By: Turkia Mullin
Fall 2018 Issue
Nonrecourse credit tenant financing can be used to fund build-to-suit projects involving properly structured long-term net leases with investment-grade tenants.
By: John Mackel
Fall 2018 Issue
Incorporating best practices for policies, strategies and procedures can make smaller developer-operators appealing to institutional investors.
By: Ken Simonson
Summer 2018 Issue
Steel yourself for higher materials costs.


View All Archived Issues
Cover1ArchiveImage Winter 2024/2025 Issue

Development magazine’s winter issue delves into the evolving uses of artificial intelligence in the commercial real estate industry, from lease management and building operations to portfolio assessment and data analysis.  

ArchiveCoverCrescent Fall 2024 Issue

Development magazine’s Fall issue profiles Crescent Communities, explores the growing impact of spaceport real estate around Houston and along Florida’s Space Coast, the commitment to prioritize employee well-being and environmental stewardship in the design of REI Co-op’s latest distribution center, and the innovations involved in the development of EVE (Electric Vehicle Enclave) Park in London, Ontario.


Summer Summer 2024 Issue

This issue features a cover story on The Stack, the first high-rise office project in Canada to earn Zero Carbon Building Design certification. Other feature articles examine the new realities of CRE investing across different sectors, the challenges of finding move-in-ready space for advanced manufacturing startups, and lessons learned from Mark IV’s acquisition and master planning of a 4,300-acre Opportunity Zone industrial project in northern Nevada.  
