Listening to clients and employees has resulted in consistently high occupancy rates for this Maryland-based CRE developer.
City leaders should be more proactive in crafting municipal policies that capitalize on the e-commerce changes transforming commercial real estate and their tax bases.
A global facilities master plan informs the company’s real estate decisions.
Buildings with direct fiber-optic internet connections will benefit from strong demand as information continues to be stored in the cloud and big data takes off.
Development magazine’s winter issue delves into the evolving uses of artificial intelligence in the commercial real estate industry, from lease management and building operations to portfolio assessment and data analysis.
Development magazine’s Fall issue profiles Crescent Communities, explores the growing impact of spaceport real estate around Houston and along Florida’s Space Coast, the commitment to prioritize employee well-being and environmental stewardship in the design of REI Co-op’s latest distribution center, and the innovations involved in the development of EVE (Electric Vehicle Enclave) Park in London, Ontario.
This issue features a cover story on The Stack, the first high-rise office project in Canada to earn Zero Carbon Building Design certification. Other feature articles examine the new realities of CRE investing across different sectors, the challenges of finding move-in-ready space for advanced manufacturing startups, and lessons learned from Mark IV’s acquisition and master planning of a 4,300-acre Opportunity Zone industrial project in northern Nevada.