Listening to clients and employees has resulted in consistently high occupancy rates for this Maryland-based CRE developer.

Fall 2018 Issue

The Municipal Benefits of Urban Fulfillment Centers

By: Camille Galdes

City leaders should be more proactive in crafting municipal policies that capitalize on the e-commerce changes transforming commercial real estate and their tax bases.

Boston Scientific's Global Customer Fulfillment Center

By: Paul Donhauser and Marc Margulies

A global facilities master plan informs the company’s real estate decisions.

The Value of Downtown Data Centers

By: Marc Gittleman

Buildings with direct fiber-optic internet connections will benefit from strong demand as information continues to be stored in the cloud and big data takes off.

Must-Read Articles

Real Estate Demand From Cybersecurity Firms

By: Kevin Imboden, John Redeker and Elisa Konik
A growing industry creates a major capital opportunity.

Tenants Ponder: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

By: Spencer Levy
To keep buildings hip, landlords are making capital expenditures earlier than budgeted.

Agree to Disagree: Resolving Property Disputes with a Partition Action

By: John Vukmanovic, Esq.
A written agreement in place from the outset can avoid most potential problems.

Designing Spaces to Create Great Experiences

By: Andy Cohen
A Gensler study quantifies that the right design can result in great experiences, which in turn are great for business.

How to Attract Institutional Capital Through the Development of Operating Guidelines

By: John Mackel
Incorporating best practices for policies, strategies and procedures can make smaller developer-operators appealing to institutional investors.

Networked Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

By: Michael Jones
The answers to five simple questions reveal the benefits of these systems for businesses.


By: Hany Guirguis, Ph.D., Manhattan College and Joshua Harris, Ph.D., Fordham University
In the second half of 2024, U.S. industrial net absorption totaled 96.9 million square feet, bringing the annual total to just 170.8 million square feet. This is the lowest annual rate since 2011, as long-term interest rates remained elevated despite the Federal Reserve’s initial cuts to the federal funds rate.
By: Brian Lewandowski, Adam Illig, Ethan Street and Richard Wobbekind, Ph.D.
Development and construction of new commercial real estate in the United States – office, industrial, warehouse and retail – generates significant economic growth at the state and national levels. This annual study, published by the NAIOP Research Foundation, measures the contribution to GDP, salaries and wages generated and jobs supported from the development and operations of commercial real estate.
By: Hany Guirguis, Ph.D., Manhattan College and Joshua Harris, Ph.D., CRE, CAIA, Fordham University
Net office space absorption in the fourth quarter of 2024 is expected to be 9.4 million square feet, with another 10.8 million square feet of positive absorption for the full year in 2025 and 3.9 million square feet of positive absorption in the first three quarters of 2026.


By: Ron Derven
The president of this New York City-headquartered real estate firm applies lessons learned in the military, business school and two decades in the industry.
By: Hannah Buckles
For the third year, NAIOP has awarded scholarships to graduate and undergraduate commercial real estate students from backgrounds traditionally underrepresented in the industry.
By: Jim Neyer
This year, NAIOP’s perennially successful industrial conference, I.CON, reached new heights when the event was officially sold out (with a waiting list).

Sound Bites from NAIOP’s I.CON: Industrial Conference, June, 2018, in Jersey City, New Jersey and National Forums Symposium, May, 2018, in New York City.


By: Julie D. Stern
Big data and integrated cloud-based retail platforms enable retailers to provide customers with seamless, secure, personalized shopping experiences, both in stores and via computers and mobile devices.
By: Ellen Sinreich
In lease negotiations, urgency trumps precision, and the need to accommodate the other side trumps the desire to get it all.
By: Jon Pharris
The next game-changer will speed delivery times and improve use of warehouse space.
By: Janine Grossmann
Interior design driven by how employees use their space, rather than by general workplace trends, will produce more effective, productive workplaces.
By: Turkia Mullin
Nonrecourse credit tenant financing can be used to fund build-to-suit projects involving properly structured long-term net leases with investment-grade tenants.
By: Rep. Ron Kind
Qualified Opportunity Zones will capitalize on rural America’s “can-do” attitude.
By: Tom Mounteer
Environmental diligence must be customized for each property.

An assortment of brief facts and figures about new and noteworthy development projects.
By: Adam Ducker
Will professional video gaming be the next great urban entertainment real estate anchor?


View All Archived Issues
Cover1ArchiveImage Winter 2024/2025 Issue

Development magazine’s winter issue delves into the evolving uses of artificial intelligence in the commercial real estate industry, from lease management and building operations to portfolio assessment and data analysis.  

ArchiveCoverCrescent Fall 2024 Issue

Development magazine’s Fall issue profiles Crescent Communities, explores the growing impact of spaceport real estate around Houston and along Florida’s Space Coast, the commitment to prioritize employee well-being and environmental stewardship in the design of REI Co-op’s latest distribution center, and the innovations involved in the development of EVE (Electric Vehicle Enclave) Park in London, Ontario.


Summer Summer 2024 Issue

This issue features a cover story on The Stack, the first high-rise office project in Canada to earn Zero Carbon Building Design certification. Other feature articles examine the new realities of CRE investing across different sectors, the challenges of finding move-in-ready space for advanced manufacturing startups, and lessons learned from Mark IV’s acquisition and master planning of a 4,300-acre Opportunity Zone industrial project in northern Nevada.  
