NAIOP Ohio is a statewide association of the four (4) Ohio local chapters. The Ohio chapter boasts over 500 members representing our industry across the state. NAIOP Ohio is supported by a statewide board with trustees representing the 4 local chapters. This 16-member board promotes our initiatives, track issues, and advocates for the real estate industry at the state level.
In summary, our primary pursuit is to assist the progression of economic development activity in Ohio, acting as an advocate of Ohioans and the development community to create jobs, viability, and a quality of life that retains and attracts talent to the State.
Abe Jacob
(419) 789-2516
News from NAIOP of Ohio.
President – Josh Gerth
Vice President – Mike Sikora
Secretary – Robert Ballinger
Treasurer – Shane Farolino
Shane Farolino – Roetzel
Rick Craven – Sikora Law LLC
Chris Knezvevic - Vorys, Sater, Seymour & Pease LLP
Benjamin Johnson – Colliers International
Scott Ziance (emeritus member) – Vorys, Sater, Seymour & Pease LLP
John Kopilchack – Synergy & Mills Development
Dave Dickerson – Miller Valentine Construction
Michael Grauwelman – Montgomery County Land Reutilization Corp
Robert Ballinger – Coolidge Wall Co., LPA
Josh Gerth – JLL
Peter Horton – Terrex Development
Jerry O’Connell – Graydon Head
James Devanney – METHOD Project Solutions
Mike Sikora – Sikora Law LLC
Craig Miller – Duffy+Duffy Cost Segregation Services
Steve Nowak – Siegel Jennings Co., LPA
Matt Knecht – HzW Environmental Consultants, LLC
NAIOP of Ohio 2022 Legislative Action Agenda
$500 Million Total for the Brownfield Remediation Program
The Brownfield Remediation Program has supported the redevelopment of contaminated properties. This year, the program has awarded funds for remediation projects in 58 out of Ohio’s 88 counties. The program is currently oversubscribed, and the market has proven that there is a need and justification for additional funding to support the cleanup of contaminated sites throughout Ohio to ready them for productive use.
$250 Million Total for the Building Demolition and Site Revitalization Program
As we turn blighted properties into new opportunities, Ohio is transforming communities and attracting new investments, businesses, and jobs. The first year of this program has already been a success with funding awarded to projects in 87 of Ohio’s 88 counties, but this program is also oversubscribed. Expanding the Building Demolition and Site Revitalization Program would help ready more blighted properties for economic development and growth in Ohio.
$200 Million Total Per Fiscal Year for the Transformational Mixed-Use Development (TMUD) Program
The TMUD Program creates more opportunities for retail, office, residential, and/or recreational space of scale to exist in a single development project. These projects can truly transform a community. Round 1 of the Program, which was oversubscribed, resulted in the Department of Development recommending state support for 13 mixed-use projects, which are expected to spark more than $1 billion in investments throughout Ohio. Round 2 of the Program was once again significantly oversubscribed as 12 more mixed-use projects were awarded tax credits. Increasing the amount of tax credits that can be awarded in a fiscal year to $200 million from $100 million will facilitate more development opportunities that have the potential for tremendous impact.
Increase to $50 Million the Opportunity Zone Allocation for Fiscal Year 2025
The Ohio Opportunity Zone Tax Credit Program has stimulated and accelerated development in many of Ohio’s historically underserved areas, paring well with the Federal Opportunity Zone Program created by the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Over $32 million was applied for in the most recent round of that Program, based upon a year’s-worth of investments. Only $25 million is provided for that Program in the second year of the upcoming biennial cycle. If that Program runs out of funding, just several years into the Program, when it is finally gaining real momentum, it will crush interest in investment in those areas, because developers and their investors would have already committed their funds to those projects, but would not receive the corresponding financial incentives that curb some of the risks they face by investing in those areas.
Updating the Requirements for Electronic Means of Recording Instruments
Originally House Bill 237 of the 134th General Assembly, this language would modernize Ohio’s system of recording instruments, improve, and streamline the ability to complete real estate transactions.
Proportional JVSD Compensation for Property Tax Exemptions
Clarify that a joint vocational school district (JVSD) shall receive compensation in proportion to how the JVSD is allocated property tax revenue funding relative to the traditional school district.
TIF Exemption Commencement
Clarify that tax increment financing (TIF) exemptions can begin on a parcel-by-parcel basis by the earlier of (i) the tax year in which the value of an improvement exceeds a specified amount or (ii) a certain year.
TIF Process Simplification
For non-school TIFs (i.e., those in which school districts receive TIF revenue equal to what they otherwise would receive in property tax revenue), simplify all of the TIF statutes to eliminate (i) the requirement that the school district board of education approve the TIF and (ii) the school district notice requirements.