Displaying 2134 to 2142 of 3082 records
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Are E-commerce Fulfillment Centers Valued Differently Than Warehouses And Distribution Centers?
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Are fulfillment centers distinct real estate products? Some in the industry believe they are; others believe they are not. According to the results of this analysis, fulfillment centers are not
The Promise of E-commerce: Impacts on Retail and Industrial Real Estate
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
As e-commerce sales continue their robust growth, manufacturers, transportation providers, distribution and fulfillment center operators and retailers all are being pressured to modify the retail
Select U.S. Ports Prepare For Panama Canal Expansion
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
The report focuses on nine container ports on the nation’s East and South coasts: the East Coast ports of New York and New Jersey and Baltimore; the Southeast ports of Virginia, Charleston and
Preferred Office Locations: Comparing Location Preferences and Performance of Office Space in CBDs, Suburban Vibrant Centers and Suburban Areas
Friday, November 7, 2014
Where do today’s office tenants want to be located? This comprehensive study, which combines expert opinion and accurate property-level data, provides reliable information about emerging location
Workplace Innovation Today: The Coworking Center
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Picture an office filled with people. But imagine that some of them are freelance writers, graphic designers, programmers and app developers; others are teleworkers; still others are in the process
Performance and Timing of Secondary Market Investment Activity
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Conditions are ripe for a shift in focus to commercial real estate’s secondary markets. Bolstered by the potential for more stable national economic trends, buyers’ improving tolerance for
How Office, Industrial and Retail Development and Construction Contributed to the U.S. Economy in 2012
Thursday, October 17, 2013
This research report quantifies the economic impact of new commercial real estate development and construction in the U.S. and states for 2012, including jobs created, income generated, GDP and the
Stabilization of the US Manufacturing Sector and Its Impact on Industrial Space
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
A study by the NAIOP Research Foundation concludes that the reshoring trend of manufacturing industries to the United States yields stabilization of jobs, but not net growth. Some industries will add
The Complexity of Urban Waterfront Redevelopment
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Waterfront brownfield regeneration is extraordinarily complex; incorporating ecology, land use, community benefits, hydrology, real estate economics, design and a host of associated disciplines.