National Forums
Be a part of NAIOP's flagship program for exclusive networking and experience exchange.
Leadership Resources
NAIOP Administrative and Planning Support
If your group is interested in adding members, we would be happy to develop a customized strategy to recruit the types of members you would like to add to your group. We can provide listings of best prospects from a search of our database and initiate or coordinate outreach to these individuals.
Agenda Development
Prior to each of your Forum meetings, we send out an agenda template for you to use. We can also provide ideas for presentation topics, group discussions, and inclusionary exercises. Past agendas are available upon request.
National Forums Meeting Agenda Template
Meeting Planning
The key to a successful Forum meeting is member participation. Holding a conference call well in advance of meetings helps to ensure that members are engaged and attend their meetings. We can help your group find a time to hold a planning call and set it up.
At each annual meeting, a number of speakers are made available to present to your group. These include Research Foundation Distinguished Fellows, members of NAIOP’s Government Affairs department, and analysts from NAIOP member companies. A listing of speakers is sent to Forum leadership approximately two months prior to meeting time. Please let us know your choice(s) as soon as possible as speakers get scheduled quickly.
Best Practice Sharing from Other Forum Leaders
There are two formal ways that Forum leadership can exchange best practices in creating well-run groups and meetings with fresh and high-value content - 1) by sharing information through the dedicated Leadership Listserv, and 2) by attending the All Forums Leadership meeting at NAIOP’s National Forums Symposium and the Commercial Real Estate Conference.
NAIOP staff would also be happy to connect Forum leaders who would like to share strategies for group development and meeting planning. Please contact Bennett Gray who will help to put you in touch with another forum leader.
Leadership Resources
NAIOP is committed to helping Forum leadership create great meetings for their members. Find resources for group chairs and vice chairs, detailed member responsibilities and future meeting schedules.

Leadership Resources
View a PowerPoint presentation used at new Forum leadership orientations that provides insight to in the following areas: Critical Principles of Forum Success, Forum Roles and Responsibilities, Stages of Forum Development, Forum Meeting Agenda Development and Forum Policies.
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Responsibilities and Guidelines for Members
An outline of key factors for member success within your group.
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Meeting Schedule
An overview of what events take place during a typical Forum meeting and a listing of upcoming National Forum meeting dates.
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