Forum Dinner Restaurant Request Form

Reservations at restaurants in New Orleans need to be made months in advance, please complete this form to let us know your restaurant preference for your Forum’s dinner at the National Forums Symposium 2025 by Monday, January 6, 2025.

Your forum’s dinner will take place the evening of either Tuesday, May 13 or Wednesday, May 14, depending on when your forum will be meeting.

Note: While New Orleans has many great restaurants, some may not have private rooms. If your Forum chooses one of those without a private dining room, your group may be placed in the general dining room.

Please complete this form no later than Monday, January 6, 2025. Email Susan Bornt,, with any questions.

Forum Dinner Restaurant Request Form

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Dinner Reservation Options

Should your Forum decide to plan its own dinner, be sure to contact NAIOP prior to making a commitment or arrangements with a restaurant to let us know of your plans. NAIOP shall reimburse up to $175 pp (inclusive of tax and gratuity).

Please note that it is the responsibility of Forum members to cover the cost of alcoholic beverages.

Forum Contact Information
