NAIOP of Florida represents the commercial real estate industry at the State level. It provides strong advocacy, education and business opportunities, and connects its members through a powerful network. NAIOP is the leading organization for commercial real estate knowledge, networking and advocacy.


NAIOP Florida Statewide Conference
Sept. 11-12, 2024
The Biltmore Hotel, Gables, Florida

Panelist Discussions:

Legislative agendas, capital markets, regional developer insight, Florida market review and more!

Register Now     More Details


Local Chapters

NAIOP Central Florida Chapter
Kate Pietkiewicz
P. O. Box 560667
Orlando, Florida 32856

NAIOP Tampa Bay
Kelsey Bokor
4205 W. Bay View Ave.
Tampa, Fl 33611

NAIOP Northeast Florida
Lauren Davis
P. O. Box 10681
Jacksonville, Florida 32247


NAIOP Northwest Florida
Brandice Pelfrey, CMP
P. O. Box 841
Pensacola, Florida 32591

NAIOP South Florida
Jules R. Morgan
1500 W. Cypress Creek Rd #406
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33309

About NAIOP of Florida

NAIOP of Florida represents the commercial real estate industry at the State level. It provides strong advocacy, education and business opportunities, and connects its members through a powerful network. NAIOP is the leading organization for commercial real estate knowledge, networking and advocacy.


The Business Rent Tax Hurts Small Business by Florida Chamber of Commerce

Employment Opportunities in Florida

Use NAIOP’s partnership with SelectLeaders – the industry’s top resource for job postings and career-related resources – to find your next position or hire qualified industry professionals for your company in the NAIOP Career Center.

Employment Opportunities in Florida


Legislative Affairs

GrayRobinson Special Session Report

2023 Legislative Session - Committee Week 2 Summary (NAIOP)

2023 Legislative Session - Committee Week 3 Summary (NAIOP)

2023 Legislative Session - Committee Week 4 Summary (NAIOP)

2023 Legislative Session- Committee Week 5 Summary (NAIOP)

2023 Legislative Session- Committee Week 6 Summary (NAIOP)

2023 Legislative Session- Committee Week 7 Summary (NAIOP)

2023 Legislative Session- Week 1 Summary (NAIOP)

2023 Legislative Session- Week 2 Summary (NAIOP)

2023 Legislative Session- Week 3 Summary (NAIOP)

2023 Legislative Session- Week 4 Summary (NAIOP)

2023 Legislative Session- Week 5 Summary (NAIOP)

Support Gradual Elimination of Business Rent Tax

Legislative Vehicles

  • Senate Bill 60 by Hukill - Reduces tax from 5.8 percent to 5.0 percent.
  • House Bill 409 by Ahern and Senate Bill 902 by Perry - Creates the stairstep elimination of the tax, with the first step being first $10,000 of total rent exempt from BRT in 2019, and moving up $10,000 each year, until capping at $90,000 in 2027.
  • Annual Tax Package - Leadership has already indicated they will try to find some additional relief to BRT.

About Business Rent Tax

  • Florida is the only state with a business rent tax
  • Overall, this tax costs businesses $1.7 Billion a year
  • A 1% reduction in the tax would result in $286.9 Million saved annuallyby Florida businesses
  • Estimated Revenue Back to the State: The repeal of the tax outrightcould create up to 185,000 jobs and $20 billion in economic impact.(Source: Fishkind & Associates report, “Economic Impact of Sales Tax Exemption forCommercial Leases in the State of Florida”, September 15, 2013)
  • Reducing This Tax Will Spur Florida’s Economy: $286.9 million inrevenue will infused back into the economy for job creation and expansion

Promote Fair Taxation

Legislative Vehicles

  • Senate Bill 650 by Baxley - Would allow for a land owner to petition the value adjustment board up to 60 days after the deadline, if there are extenuating circumstances.
  • House Bill 7001 - Proposes an amendment to state Constitution that would prohibit a state tax or fee from being imposed or raised except through a two-thirds vote of each house of the legislature.

For your Consideration

  • Property Tax Value Adjustment Boards: support private property owner’s rights to contest unfair governmental practices
  • Discourage Unnecessary Taxes and Fees: promote competitive markets by limiting regulatory distortions

Limit Burdensome Regulation

Legislative Vehicles

  • House Bill 207 by McClain and Senate Bill 362 by Perry - Adds private property rights protections to comprehensive plans.
  • House Bill 1151 by La Rosa and Senate Bill 1244 by Lee - Would significantly revise DRIs
  • House Bill 7009 (passed the House on 1/12/18) - Would reinstate the cap on attorneys’ fees for workers compensation claims up to $150 an hour. There is no Senate vehicle yet.
  • Senate Bill 324 by Young and House Bill 697 by Miller - Would require that the earliest a local government can collect impact fees is at the issuance of C.O.
  • House Bill 725 by Williamson and Senate Bill 1144 by Perry - Will require governing body of local government to post its permit and inspection fee schedules and link to annual utilization report (how the fees are being used within the department) on its website.
  • House Bill 299 by McClain - Would revise the membership by eliminating several board seats, including the seat representing the commercial building owners and managers industry. Based on conversations at board meeting, NAIOP opposes any change that would eliminate representation from the commercial real estate industry.

For Your Consideration

  • Growth Management: preserve the positive changes that are helping drive Florida’s growth
  • Reform DRI process to allow for market driven growth
  • Worker’s Compensation Reform: support reform that will reduce rates
  • Contain impact fees and prevent deflating a growing market
  • Create transparency in fees charged for permits and inspections
  • Hold building departments accountable for reviewing and processing permits and inspections
  • Preserve building commissions standards as is

Promote Economic Prosperity

Legislative Vehicles

  • House Bill 17 by Raburn (passed the House on 1/12/18) and Senate Bill 432 by Lee - Curb the authority of CRAs and eliminate same by 2038. Based on conversations at the annual meeting, NAIOP supports reasonable regulations on CRAs to encourage transparency and responsible spending, but opposes broad elimination of CRAs. These entities have driven successful redevelopment in many parts of the state.

For Your Consideration

  • Preserve CRAs as catalysts for commercial development in communities
  • Support the renewal of the job growth grant fund ($85 Million for Infrastructure)
  • Continue to promote Florida’s business and travel brands
  • Enterprise Florida and Visit Florida: continue to fund promotional campaigns

Water Management

Legislative Vehicle

  • Senate Bill 1620 - Would create the Florida Water Infrastructure Needs Solutions Task Force. This would study Florida’s water needs and submit a report to the Governor , Speaker and President by December 1, 2019.

For Your Consideration

  • Common Sense Approach to Protecting and Preserving Environment and Water Quality Without Stifling or Prohibiting Development

2023 Board Members

2023 PAC Members

  • Forrest Askew

    Asst VP, Asset Management, Link Logistics Real Estate
    NAIOP Central Florida
  • Clayton Bricklemyer

    Partner, Bricklemyer Law Group
    NAIOP Tampa Bay
  • Mark Corlew

    Partner, Grover Corlew
    NAIOP South Florida
  • Angel de la Portilla

    President, Central Florida Strategies
    NAIOP Central Florida
  • Will Dunaway

    Shareholder, Clark Partington Atorneys at Law
    NAIOP Northwest Florida
  • Laura Gonzalez

    Market Leader and First Vice President Capital Markets, Matthews Real Estate Investment Services
    NAIOP Northeast Florida
  • Darcie Lunsford

    Executive Vice President, Butters Realty & Management
    NAIOP South Florida
  • Jim Reeves

    President, The Aragon Group of Pensacola, Inc.
    NAIOP Northwest Florida
  • Gregory Williams

    Principal and Co-founder, Cardinal Point Management, LLC
    NAIOP Tampa Bay
  • Trey Wilson

    Partner, Driver, McAfee, Hawthorne and Diebenow, PLLC
    NAIOP Northeast Florida


Commercial real estate development in Florida is a powerful economic engine, creating jobs and generating significant fiscal contributions to local, state and national economies in 2022:

A Look at Florida

Contributions to state economy (GDP).................. $39.5 billion
Wages and salaries generated............................. $15.9 billion
Jobs created and supported................................ 312,963

Florida Quick Facts

  • NAIOP Member - 1,024
  • NAIOP Companies - 561

For the full report, visit


For more information, contact Kelsey Bokor, Executive Director, NAIOP of Florida.

Pillar Partners
