National Forums Symposium Attendees
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First Name | Last Name | Company | Title | Chapter |
Fiona | Abbott | Stream Realty Partners | Nashville | |
Mitchell | Abel | Abel Construction | Vice President - Strategy & Development | Nashville |
Heath | Abramsohn | Rockefeller Group | Vice President, Regional Director | New Jersey |
Lauren | Achtemeier | Prologis | VP, Investment Officer | SoCal |
Cavanaugh | Adams | Rockefeller Group | Director - Acquisitions, Development & Investments | North Texas |
Christine | Adler | Chartwell Real Estate Development | Director of C&D | Southern Nevada |
Joshua | Adler | Adler Development | Partner | New Jersey |
Seth | Adler | Adler Development | Partner | New Jersey |
Shubham | Aggarwal | Altman Logistics Properties | Investment Associate | South Florida |
Lewis | Agnew | Charles Hawkins Co. | President | Nashville |
Trent | Agnew | JLL Capital Markets | Senior Managing Director | Houston |
Tim | Aguilar | Link Logistics Real Estate | Senior Vice President, Development | New Jersey |
Graham | Ahokas | J.P. Morgan Asset Management | Executive Director | New York City Metro |
Clifford | Aiken | EXXCEL Project Management, LLC | Chief Investment Officer | Central Ohio |
Nawder | Alavi | Affinius Capital | Managing Director Investments | San Francisco Bay Area |
Kelsea | Alexander | Crow Holdings Development | Acquisitions & Asset Management | North Texas |
Lange | Allen | Affinius Capital | Senior Managing Director Head of North American Industrial Development | NAIOP Member At Large |
Tracy | Allen | ECS | Vice President, Director of Client Relations | Northern Virginia |
Jack | Allred | Eastdil Secured | Vice President | North Texas |
Diego | Almaral | Dogwood Industrial Properties | Acquisitions Associate | New York City Metro |
Harvey | Alter | The Alter Group | Executive Vice President | Chicago |
Rivka | Altman | Invesco Real Estate | Senior Director, Head of Valuations | North Texas |
Pete | Anderson | Becknell Industrial | Executive Vice President-Investments | Indiana |
Peter | Anderson | Pattillo Industrial Real Estate | Vice President | Northeast Florida |
Brian | Andrew | Millie and Severson | President - Northern California | San Francisco Bay Area |
Dave | Andrews | JLL Capital Markets | Senior Director | Charlotte |
Keara | Anonson | Cabot Properties | Senior Associate - Asset Management | SoCal |
Jon | Arita | Terracon | Vice President, National Director, Industrial & Logistics | North Texas |
Terry | Armstrong | Elberon Development Group | SVP of Leasing and Acquisitions | New Jersey |
Kristopher | Arviso | Scannell Properties | Managing Director | North Texas |
Joshua | Asbury | Merritt Properties, LLC | Vice President of Development & Construction | Maryland |
Teagan | Atwood | Link Logistics Real Estate | Investment Associate | New York City Metro |
William | Austin | Crescent Communities, LLC | Vice President | Charlotte |
Carl | Awalt | The RMR Group | Regional Vice President - Midwest | Minnesota |
Eliza | Bachhuber | CBRE | Senior Vice President | North Texas |
Ben | Backer | Industrial Outdoor Ventures | Acquisition Officer - Western Region | Colorado |
Pat | Bacon | General Capital Group | Development | Wisconsin |
Macgregor | Bailey | AEDIFICO, LLC, | Managing Principal | Georgia |
Frank | Baird | Capital Associates | CEO | Raleigh Durham |
Ian | Baker | New Mountain Capital | Vice President | New York City Metro |
Alexander | Bakke | Dalfen Industrial | Investment Associate | North Texas |
Cody | Balogh | Glenstar Properties LLC | Director, Acquisitions | Chicago |
Makenna | Barbara | MDH Partners | Associate, Acquisitions | North Texas |
JD | Barnes | Core5 Industrial Partners | Vice President - Development | Cincinnati/Northern KY |
Jack | Barnett | Crescent Communities, LLC | Capital Markets Associate | Charlotte |
Michael | Barone | Rockefeller Group | Project Manager | New Jersey |
Collin | Barr | No Company Minnesota | Minnesota | |
Tony | Barranco | Ryan Companies US, Inc. | President, Northern Division | Minnesota |
Jordy | Bartell | Brookfield Properties | Associate, Investments | SoCal |
Lindley | Bassett | Inclenberg Investments Florida, LLC | Director of Real Estate Operations & Asset Management | South Florida |
Tim | Bassett | Birdsong Capital Partners | Managing Partner | Nashville |
Peter | Bauman | Institutional Property Advisors | Senior Managing Director | Arizona |
Bryan | Baynton | Titan Development | Director of Acquisitions & Development | Austin |
Bruce | Bearer | CT Realty Investors | Vice President, Investments | SoCal |
Gerald | Beil | NFI Real Estate | Investment Associate | Greater Philadelphia |
Bilijack | Bell | Wilson Hull & Neal ISG | Partner | Georgia |
Jody | Belsick | Kimley-Horn | Senior Vice President | Oregon |
Kevin | Benedix | Boston Global Investors | Chief Operating Officer & CFO | Massachusetts |
Michael | Bennett | DH Property Holdings LLC | Vice President & Head of Development | New York City Metro |
Grant | Benson | Prologis | Vice President, Investment Officer | Georgia |
Ethan | Benville | MDH Partners, LLC | Senior Analyst, Acquisitions | Georgia |
McCoy | Berger | Sand Lake Realty | Partner | South Florida |
Christina | Bernardin | Bluewater Property Group LLC | Vice President | New York City Metro |
Zachary | Bianchini | Hillwood Investment Properties | Development Director | Chicago |
Aaron | Bidne | Granite Properties, Inc. | Director of Development | North Texas |
Jake | Bigby | PacTrust | Leasing Manager | Oregon |
Alec | Bildstein | Prologis | Investment Associate | SoCal |
Mark | Billeaud | Summit Real Estate Group | Founding Partner | Georgia |
Peter | Billipp | Skyhawk Partners | Founder & Managing Partner | Houston |
Lauren | Black | Trammell Crow Company | Vice President | Greater Philadelphia |
Drew | Bocook | Buzz Oates | VP of Portfolio Management | Sacramento Valley |
Kelsey | Bodenstab | Cold Summit | VP, Investments | Idaho |
Brian | Boehm | Envision Cold | CIO | Charlotte |
Linda | Booker | CORE5 Industrial Partners | EVP and CFO | Georgia |
Jordan | Bookstaff | Hillwood Investment Properties | Vice President - Market Director | Houston |
Lucas | Borges | JLL Capital Markets | Senior Director | Chicago |
Sabrina | Borghoff | Martin-Harris Construction | Vice President of Business Development | Southern Nevada |
Ronel | Borner | CenterPoint Properties | Senior Vice President | New Jersey |
Catherine | Bostic | Eastdil Secured | Vice President | North Texas |
Carmine | Bottigliero | CenterPoint Properties | Vice President Development | Chicago |
Emily | Brandt | Cushman & Wakefield of Texas | Vice President - Acquisitions & Joint Ventures | North Texas |
Michael | Brazeal | CenterPoint Properties | Manger of Development Transactions Chicago and Texas | Chicago |
Jim | Brescoll | Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP | Partner | Chicago |
David | Broome | GID | Managing Director, Industrial Investments | North Texas |
Addison | Brown | IDI Logistics | Director of Development | North Texas |
William | Brown | Granite Properties, Inc. | President & Chief Investment Officer | North Texas |
Kurt | Browning | Titan Development LLC | Partner | New Mexico |
Frank | Bruni | New Mountain Capital | Senior Associate | New York City Metro |
Matthew | Bruns | Rockefeller Group | Senior Associate | Colorado |
Jeff | Bryant | Ackerman & Co. | Principal & Senior Vice President | Austin |
Cason | Bufe | Rooker | VP, Development | Georgia |
Christina | Buhl | Eastdil Secured | Senior Vice President | SoCal |
Terence | Bundy | GID Industrial | Director | Massachusetts |
Britton | Burdette | JLL Capital Markets | Senior Managing Director | Georgia |
Riley | Burke | Merritt Properties | Leasing and Business Development | Raleigh Durham |
Phil | Burkett | Meyer Design Inc. | Principal | Greater Philadelphia |
John | Burks | Becknell Industrial | Development Manager | Colorado |
David | Burlak | New York State Common Retirement Fund | Senior Investment Officer - Real Estate | New York City Metro |
Justin | Burns | IDI Logistics | Market Officer Northeast - Capital Deployment and Leasing | New Jersey |
Steven | Buss | Likewise Partners | Founder | Minnesota |
Carl | Cade | Hudson Pacific Properties | VP of Construction | San Francisco Bay Area |
Kevin | Caille | Broe Real Estate Group | Senior Vice President for the Southeast Region | Georgia |
Dalton | Callaway | Intersect Development Group | Director of Development | Georgia |
James | Camp | Rockefeller Group | Senior Managing Director | SoCal |
Joseph | Campbell | Link Logistics Real Estate | Vice President, Investments | New Jersey |
Chuck | Carefoot | Ryan Companies US, Inc. | President Southwest Region | Arizona |
Peter | Carey | United Properties | Sr. Investment Analyst | Minnesota |
Ryan | Carlie | Summit Real Estate Group | Senior Managing Director, Investments and Development | NAIOP Member At Large |
Kevin | Carlson | Brennan Investment Group | Vice President | Chicago |
Maxx | Carney | BWE | Senior Vice President | South Florida |
Matthew | Casey | JLL Capital Markets | Managing Director | Georgia |
Philip | Cattanach | United Properties | Executive Vice President, Commercial Development | Minnesota |
Brandon | Champeau | Hempel Companies | Executive Vice President-Development | Minnesota |
Ken | Chang | Lovett Industrial | Senior Managing Director, Investment & Development | Houston |
Danny | Chapman | Faropoint | Acquisitions | North Texas |
Patrick | Chesser | Mill Creek Residential Trust | Managing Director | Georgia |
Blake | Chroman | Sitex Group | Principal | New Jersey |
Andrew | Chun | Langan | Associate | New Jersey |
Thomas | Cicotello | Boyd Watterson Asset Management | Executive Vice President, Portfolio Management - Head of WDC Office | DC|MD |
Paul | Ciminelli | Ciminelli Real Estate Corp | Chief Executive Officer | Upstate New York |
J.R. | Cisneros | Link Logistics Real Estate | Senior Vice President | Chicago |
Justin | Clair | One Liberty Properties | Executive Vice President | New York City Metro |
Michael | Clewlow | Venture One Real Estate, LLC | Acquisitions Associate | Chicago |
Caitlin | Clinton | Eastdil Secured | Director | North Texas |
Michael | Cody | Ware Malcomb | Practice Leader | Director, Industrial Cold & Food | Chicago |
Michael | Cohen | Dalfen Industrial | Head of U.S. Acquisitions | Greater Philadelphia |
John | Cohoat | Patch Development | VP of Development | Indiana |
Cortney | Cole | JLL Capital Markets | Senior Managing Director | Houston |
Ryan | Collins | EastGroup Properties | Senior Vice President | SoCal |
Collin | Comer | Gaedeke Group, LLC | President | North Texas |
Shannon | Comolli | BentallGreenOak | Vice President | DC|MD |
John | Comunale | Comunale Properties, LLC | President | Colorado |
David | Confer | Clarion Partners | Managing Director | North Texas |
John | Connors | First Industrial Realty Trust, Inc. | Investment Analyst | Greater Philadelphia |
Emily | Conrad | WPT Capital Advisors, LLC | Managing Director - Legal | Minnesota |
Kevin | Conroy | Invesco Real Estate | Senior Director, Portfolio Manager | North Texas |
Chris | Cook | Cameron Brothers Company, LLC | President | San Diego |
Andrew | Coords | CenterPoint Properties | Director, Development Transactions | New Jersey |
Michael | Coppola | Bluewater Property Group | Partner | New Jersey |
Peter | Corcoran | Link Logistics Real Estate | Vice President, Northeast | New Jersey |
Eric | Cothran | Cothran Properties, LLC | Land Development | NAIOP Member At Large |
Mark | Cothran | Cothran Properties, LLC | President | NAIOP Member At Large |
Kevin | Coughlin | High Street Logistics Properties | Managing Director, Head of Acquisitions | Massachusetts |
Drew | Crawford | MDH Partners | Vice President - Asset Management | North Texas |
Megan | Creecy-Herman | Prologis | President, U.S. West Region | Arizona |
Bobby | Crews | Greystar Real Estate Partners | Managing Director | North Texas |
Tom | Cruikshank | Link Logistics Real Estate | Senior Vice President | Inland Empire |
Sean | Cummings | Sun Industrial Partners | Founder and Managing Partner | Arizona |
Jeff | Dalton | FCL Builders, LLC | Vice President | Arizona |
Mary | Dalton | Avera Companies | SVP - Development | Houston |
Christopher | Daly | Childress Klein | Partner | Charlotte |
Robert | Damrat | Link Logistics Real Estate | Managing Director | Chicago |
Connor | Danford | Wipfli LLP | Business Developer | Minnesota |
Randy | Danielson | Opus Development Company LLC | Senior Director, Real Estate Development | Colorado |
Tyler | Darden | SCOA Real Estate Partners | Investment Manager | Georgia |
McKenzie | Darr | Grand Peaks Properties, Inc. | Development Director | Washington |
Alex | Davenport | Colliers | Executive Vice President, Capital Markets | Indiana |
Austin | Davis | ElmTree Funds | Vice President, Acquisitions | NAIOP Member At Large |
Daniel | De Leon | Starboard Realty Advisors, LLC | COO | SoCal |
Travis | DeBee | Stonemont Financial Group | Senior Vice President, Capital Markets | Georgia |
Josh | Decker | TwoPointO Investor Relations, LLC | VP, Investments | Indiana |
Joe | DeHaven | MDH Partners, LLC | SMD | Georgia |
Michael | Dehner | Property Reserve, Inc. | Chief Operating Officer | Utah |
Lindy | Deller | Panattoni Development | Development Manager | Northern Nevada |
Ardian | Dema | FCL Builders | Director of Business Development | North Texas |
Brian | DePotter | FirstPointe Advisors, LLC | Managing Partner, Property Tax | South Florida |
Michael | Dewey | Alliance Industrial Company | Managing Director Capital Markets | North Texas |
Shep | Dinos | Atlanta Property Group, LLC | Managing Partner | Georgia |
Matt | Dittman | CRG | Vice President of Capital Markets | Chicago |
Matthew | Dodge | Comunale Properties, LLC | Vice President, Investments | Colorado |
Ryan | Dodge | PCCP, LLC | Managing Director | New York City Metro |
Amanda | Dole | AEW Capital Management, LP | Assistant Vice President | Massachusetts |
Trevor | Dombach | Rockefeller Group | Project Manager | New Jersey |
Kyle | Donnelly | Principal Real Estate Investors | Acquisitions/Dispositions Manager | SoCal |
Connor | Downey | Bluewater Property Group | Vice President | SoCal |
Ryan | Doyle | WPT Capital Advisors | Managing Partner, Chief Investment Officer | Minnesota |
Dylan | Drescher | Ascentris | Vice President | Colorado |
John | Duddridge | Trammell Crow Company | Vice President | Inland Empire |
Blair | Duncan | Realterm | Vice President, Acquisitions | SoCal |
Brett | Earnest | Suffolk Construction Company, Inc. | Executive Vice President, National Centers of Excellence | Massachusetts |
Matthew | Ela | Bixby Capital Management | Chief Operating Officer | SoCal |
Ted | Elam | Foundry Commercial | Principal | South Florida |
Kevin | Ellis | Griffin Partners, Inc. | Vice President - Acquisitions/Development | Houston |
Jacob | Emery | Lincoln Property Company | Director | Colorado |
Colton | England | CenterPoint Properties | Analyst | North Texas |
E. Russell | Epperson | Wilson Hull & Neal ISG | Partner | Georgia |
William | Ericksen | NAI James E. Hanson, Inc. | Associate Vice President | New Jersey |
Dylan | Esquenazi | Prologis | Manager, Leasing/Asset Management | South Florida |
Troy | Estacio | Buzz Oates | Senior Vice President - Acquisitions & Development | Sacramento Valley |
Tierra | Evans | Prologis | Investment Manager | Georgia |
Kevin | Evernham | Ware Malcomb | Regional Vice President | Arizona |
John | Eyster | Watermark Property Group, LLC | Managing Member and Partner | Alabama |
Nicholas | Faber | IDI Logistics | Market Officer | Georgia |
Nick | Fafoutis | Prologis | Manager, Investments | San Francisco Bay Area |
Darcie | Fankhauser | Transwestern Development Company | Regional Partner, Industrial Group | Chicago |
Dorian | Farhang | PCCP, LLC | Managing Director | San Francisco Bay Area |
Sean | Feeney | High Street Realty Company | Head of Acquisitions | North Texas |
Matt | Field | Bridge Investment Group | Vice President, West Region Investment Officer | Arizona |
Jaime | Fink | JLL Capital Markets | Senior Managing Director | Chicago |
Zach | Finkelstein | Cabot Properties, Inc | Associate, Investments | Massachusetts |
Jane | Finkenstaedt | Seagis Property Group, LP | Associate | New York City Metro |
D. Nicholas | Firth | Industrial Outdoor Ventures | Chief Investment Officer | Colorado |
Tom | Fishman | Hillwood | Executive Vice President, Acquisitions and Dispositions | North Texas |
Colin | Fitzgibbons | Hunt Realty Investments, Inc. | President | North Texas |
Derek | Flottum | VanTrust Real Estate LLC | Senior Director, Development | Arizona |
Michael | Flynn | GCP | Development Manager, GCP Development | Alabama |
Andrew | Forsyth | Prologis | VP, Leasing Officer | New Jersey |
Matthew | Fortuin | Bain Capital Real Estate | Sr. Vice President | Massachusetts |
Brandt | Foster | Northwestern Mutual Real Estate | Director | Georgia |
Lucas | Franklin | Cabot Properties, Inc | Associate | Massachusetts |
Jessica | Fraser | Trammell Crow Company | Senior Vice President | New Jersey |
Vince | Free | FREEZ Construction | President & CEO | North Texas |
Thomas | Freeland | Freeland Management | COO | Nashville |
Eric | Freeman | Grandview Partners | Managing Partner | New York City Metro |
Howard | Freeman | Prologis | SVP, Investment Officer | Nashville |
William | French | Link Logistics Real Estate | Senior Associate - Investments | North Texas |
Ben | Fuller | JLL | Georgia | |
Gregory | Fuller | Granite Properties, Inc. | Chief Operating Officer | North Texas |
Keith | Funston | Cabot Properties | Director, Investments | Massachusetts |
Katie | Gaché | Bridge Industrial | Senior Analyst, Transactions | Chicago |
John | Gallagher | American Realty Advisors | Associate Director, Investments | SoCal |
Justin | Gallagher | CenterPoint Properties | Investment Officer | North Texas |
Benjamin | Gardner | Dekker | Principal | New Mexico |
Peter | Garver | Garver Development Group | Principal | Maryland |
Collin | Garvey | Summit Real Estate Group | Financial Analyst | NAIOP Member At Large |
Matt | Gelb | Wipfli LLP | Partner – Technology Consulting | Wisconsin |
J. James | Gelose | DLR Group | Principal | Washington |
Patrick | Gemma | Prologis | Head of Capital Deployment, West Region | Washington |
Benjamin | Genet | Genet Property Group | President | South Florida |
Ayaz | Ghesani | NFI Real Estate | Associate | Greater Philadelphia |
Mike | Gilbert | FORMATION | Managing Director- Southwest Region | Arizona |
Sean | Gilbert | Saxum Real Estate | Principal | New Jersey |
Denver | Glazier | Prologis | Senior Vice President - Head of Capital Deployment, Southeast | South Florida |
Rodrigo | Godoi | Mohr Capital | Managing Director | North Texas |
Cary | Goldman | Timber Hill Group | Managing Partner & Founder | Chicago |
Daniel | Goldman | DRA Advisors LLC | Managing Director, Acquisitions | San Francisco Bay Area |
Grant | Goldman | Ambrose | Executive Vice President of Development | Indiana |
Eduardo | Gonzalez | Affinius Capital | Managing Director – Asset Management | NAIOP Member At Large |
Gabe | Gonzalez | Invesco Real Estate | Director | North Texas |
Tracey | Goo | KBC Advisors | Vice President | SoCal |
Matthew | Goode | Venture One Real Estate, LLC | Principal | Chicago |
Andrew | Goodman | Link Logistics Real Estate | Managing Director - Head of Dispositions | North Texas |
Stuart | Gordon | Metzler North America | COO and Director of Asset Management | Washington |
Richard | Gottlieb | Keystone Development & Investments | President and Chief Operating Officer | Greater Philadelphia |
Ryan | Grable | Bridge Logistics Properties | Vice President | North Texas |
Alan | Grabush | CSG Partners, LLC | Principal | Maryland |
Howard | Grace | W.M. Grace Companies | President | Arizona |
Henry | Graham | Graham & Company | President & Chief Development Officer | Alabama |
Hunter | Graham | Provident Realty Advisors, Inc. | Director | North Texas |
Matthew | Graham | Graham & Company | CEO | Alabama |
Mike | Graham | Graham & Company | President | Alabama |
Taylor | Graham | Graham & Company | Principal | Alabama |
Michael | Granlund | O'Brien Architects | Vice President | North Texas |
Kyle | Grant | Venture One Real Estate, LLC | Vice President - Florida Region | South Florida |
Bobby | Gray | Prologis | Vice President, Investment Officer | San Francisco Bay Area |
Amanda | Green | Gaedeke Group, LLC | SVP - Property Management | North Texas |
Huston | Green | JLL Capital Markets | Managing Director | Georgia |
Vadim | Greenberg | CrestBay | CEO | South Florida |
Christian | Greenwell | Core5 Industrial Partners | Development Manager | Cincinnati/Northern KY |
Edward | Griffin | Griffin Partners, Inc. | CEO | Houston |
Thomas | Griggs | Hines | Managing Director – Head of Industrial & Logistics, East Region | DC|MD |
Ashley | Grigsby | Transwestern | Managing Director, Capital Markets | Houston |
Lee | Grinspoon | Lincoln Property Company | Director, Acqusitions | Chicago |
Ben | Grippi | The RMR Group | Head of Strategic Real Estate Technology | Massachusetts |
Michael | Grohe | Cabot Properties, Inc. | Associate, Asset Management | Chicago |
Karen | Guthrie | BentallGreenOak | Principal | San Francisco Bay Area |
Ryan | Haller | PGIM Real Estate | Associate | New Jersey |
Casey | Hankinson | Ryan Companies US, Inc. | Executive Vice President, National BTS | Minnesota |
John | Hanlon | First Industrial Realty Trust, Inc. | Executive Director | New Jersey |
Jason | Hans | Affinius Capital | Senior Managing Director | NAIOP Member At Large |
Ryan | Hansen | Link Logistics Real Estate | Vice President, Leasing | New Jersey |
William | Hanson | CenterPoint Properties | Senior Investment Analyst | Chicago |
Alireza | Harandi | Prologis | SVP, Investment Officer, Capital Deployment | San Francisco Bay Area |
Taylor | Hare | Lovett Industrial | Associate | DC|MD |
Jonathan | Harmon | IDI Logistics | Vice President, Capital Deployment and Leasing | North Texas |
Taylor | Harren | Taylor & Mathis, Inc. | Senior Project Manager | Georgia |
Zachary | Harris | TruCore Investments | Managing Director & Partner | Oklahoma |
Alexander | Harrold | Matthews Real Estate Investment Services | Executive Vice President & Senior Director | Industrial | SoCal |
Jesse | Harty | CBRE Investment Management | Head of Logistics | New Jersey |
Jill | Havener | Havener Companies | Vice President | North Texas |
Kevin | Havermann | Prologis | Investment Manager, Capital Deployment | San Francisco Bay Area |
Peter | Heigl | DWS | Transactions Officer | Chicago |
Ralph | Heins | Primera Companies, Inc. | President | North Texas |
Thomas | Hemcher | Seagis Property Group | Vice President, Investments | Greater Philadelphia |
John | Hermann | COPT Defense Properties, L.P | Vice President - Asset Management/Leasing | Maryland |
Levi | Hermes | Alliance Industrial Company | Development Director | North Texas |
John | Herrill | Crow Holdings Development | Vice President | SoCal |
Thomas | Herter | Brookfield Asset Management | Vice President | Investments | North Texas |
Carmon | Hicks | JLL | Senior Managing Director | Colorado |
Phillip | Hight | Hight Knox Properties, LLC | Owner | Georgia |
Raymond | Hill | MDH Partners, LLC | Vice President | Georgia |
Susan | Hill | JLL Capital Markets | Senior Managing Director | Houston |
Zach | Hill | GID Industrial | Director, Investments | Chicago |
Steve | Hissong | Vulcan Real Estate | Director, Asset Management | Washington |
Chris | Hoag | Avison Young | Commercial Real Estate | Georgia |
Taylor | Hoff | Newmark | Vice Chairman | Washington |
Kevin | Hollins | Canal Group | Chief Executive Officer | Maryland |
Maxwell | Holter | Summit Real Estate Group | Managing Director, Investments | NAIOP Member At Large |
Jerry | Hook | Becknell Industrial | VP Investments & Capital Markets | Chicago |
Gary | Horn | Mohr Capital | Chief Development Officer | North Texas |
Peter | Horowitz | Velsor Properties, LLC | President | Northern Virginia |
Samuel | Horowitz | Faropoint | Director of Acquisitions | New Jersey |
Joseph | Horrigan | CBRE | Senior Analyst | Chicago |
Tom | Hotovec | The Meritex Company | CEO | Minnesota |
Don | Houpt | IOS Land Company | Owner | Central Florida |
James | Howe | Summit Real Estate Group | Director, Investments | NAIOP Member At Large |
Jerry | Hsieh | MetLife Investment Management | Senior Director / Portfolio Management | North Texas |
Lukas | Huberman | BLT Enterprises | Vice President & Director of Acquisitions | SoCal |
Marshall | Huberty | JacksonShaw | Development Manager | North Texas |
David | Hudson | Hanover Company | President – Industrial | Houston |
Mitch | Hugdahl | Founders Properties, LLC | Senior Associate - Investments & Acquisitions | Minnesota |
Brittain | Hughes | Asana Partners | Development Associate | Charlotte |
Josh | Hullum | Affinius Capital | Executive Director of Construction | NAIOP Member At Large |
Bill | Hunt | Elmhurst Group | President | Pittsburgh |
Landon | Hunt | Sterling Logistics Properties | Associate, Investments | South Florida |
A-P | Hurd | SkipStone | President | Washington |
David | Hurley | AKT Peerless Environmental Services | Senior Project Manager | NAIOP Member At Large |
John | Hurley | Penwood Real Estate Investment Management LLC | Managing Director | New Jersey |
Laura | Hyde | Link Logistics Real Estate | Managing Director, Investments | Chicago |
Joe | Iannacone | Titan Development | Partner | Austin |
Kevin | Interlicchio | Camber Real Estate Partners | Director of Acquisitions | New Jersey |
Mike | Iozzia | Ares Management LLC | Principal | New Jersey |
Doug | Irmscher | Beacon Partners | Chief Operating Officer | Charlotte |
Amiyr | Jackson | Oaktree Capital Management | Vice President | SoCal |
Connor | Jackson | Core5 Industrial Partners | Development Manager | Cincinnati/Northern KY |
William | Jaquier | Metzler North America | Investment Manager | Washington |
Cloteen | Jasmin | Ryan Companies US | Atlanta Market Leader and SVP | Georgia |
Gary | Jaye | Transwestern Investment Group | Chief Investment Officer | Massachusetts |
Jordan | Johnson | Property Reserve, Inc. | Senior Leasing Manager | Utah |
Oliver | Johnson | Rhino Capital Advisors LLC | Massachusetts | |
Austin | Jones | Cabot Properties | Investment Analyst | North Texas |
Michael | Jones | VanTrust Real Estate, LLC | Vice President, Development Services | Northeast Florida |
Tyler | Jones | Robinson Weeks Partners | Senior Vice President | Georgia |
Bassam | Jurdi | Washington Capital | VP, Real Estate, Acquisitions, Portfolio Management | SoCal |
Carina | Kalaw | BankUnited, N.A. | Head of Institutional & Specialty Real Estate | NAIOP Member At Large |
F.E. | Kalb | Skip Kalb Strategies, LLC | Principal | North Texas |
Carolyn | Kane | Link Logistics Real Estate | Senior Associate, Investments | Chicago |
Michael | Kapoor | Majestic Realty Co. | Senior Vice President | Colorado |
Geoffrey | Kasselman | Op2mize Energy LLC | CEO | Chicago |
Eric | Kassoff | Wilkes Artis Chartered | Principal | DC|MD |
Ryan | Kavanaugh | J.P. Morgan Asset Management | Vice President | New York City Metro |
Brandon | Kelly | R.J. Kelly Company | President and CEO | Massachusetts |
Stephen | Kelly | James Campbell Company LLC | President, Kapolei Properties Division | Hawaii |
Jack | Kemper | Summit Real Estate Group | Analyst | NAIOP Member At Large |
Rick | Kight | Avera Companies | EVP - Development | Houston |
Kathryn | Kilgore | MDH Partners, LLC | Managing Director - Head of Asset Management | Georgia |
Todd | King | Panattoni Development | Partner | Houston |
Dean | Kiriluk | Kirco Development | Chief Investment Officer | NAIOP Member At Large |
Cole | Kirsh | CRG | Senior Director, Capital Markets | Chicago |
Raymond | Kivett | The Meritex Company | Chief Investment Officer | Minnesota |
S.A. | Klatskin | Forsgate Industrial Partners | General Partner | New Jersey |
Michael | Klein | BoundTrain Real Estate | Managing Principal | Northern Virginia |
Brandon | Kline | Majestic Realty Co. | Development Associate | SoCal |
Paul | Knapp | Saint Paul Properties | Managing Director | Minnesota |
Matthew | Knoff | Venture One Real Estate, LLC | Vice President - Leasing and Asset Management | Chicago |
Leslie | Koehn Haughom | Ares Management LLC | Fund Management | Colorado |
Kimberly | Kohlhepp | Kohlhepp Corporation | Vice President of Finance & Development | DC|MD |
Andras | Kolos | Wintrust Commercial Real Estate | Market President, Commercial Real Estate | Colorado |
Tyler | Konkal | CenterPoint Properties | Investments | SoCal |
Fritz | Konker | Clarion Partners | Asset Management - Industrial | North Texas |
Jason | Korengold | Shea Properties | Senior Vice President - Industrial & Commercial Development | Inland Empire |
Megan | Kranichfeld | Trammell Crow Company | Senior Vice President, Development & Investment | Colorado |
Lacy | Kreger | BNSF Railway | General Director Strategic Programs | North Texas |
Gary | Kroll | GID Industrial | Senior Managing Director, Portfolio Manager | Massachusetts |
Robert | Krueger | Brennan Investment Group, LLC | Managing Principal | Tampa Bay |
John | Kull | MDH Partners, LLC | Sr. Vice President | Georgia |
Kirk | Kuller | KBC Advisors | Arizona | |
Lorne | Kumer | Granite REIT | EVP, Head of Global Real Estate | Greater Toronto |
Jason | Kushner | Hillwood | Acquisitions & Development | Greater Philadelphia |
William | Lagomarsino | CenterPoint Properties | Analyst | SoCal |
David | Laibstain | IDI Logistics | Senior Vice President and General Counsel | Georgia |
Larry | Lance | Evergreen Real Estate Advisors | CEO | Colorado |
Seth | Landau | LCOR Incorporated | Senior Vice President/General Counsel | Greater Philadelphia |
Douglas | Landry | Langan | Associate Principal | Boston Office Lead | Massachusetts |
Henry | Lange | Northwestern Mutual Real Estate | Managing Director | Georgia |
Marijke | Lantz | Billingsley Company | SVP of Investments and Build to Suits | North Texas |
Scott | Larson | The Opus Group | Vice President, Capital Markets | Minnesota |
Sabrina | Lasarte | Prologis | Investment Associate | South Florida |
Rod | Lawrence | Network Realty Partners | Managing Partner | DC|MD |
Hien | Le | Constellation Real Estate Partners | Managing Partner | Houston |
Gardner | Lee | GCP | Principal | Alabama |
John | LeFrois | Russell P. LeFrois Builder | Manager | Upstate New York |
Courtney | Lenny | Link Logistics Real Estate | Vice President, Investments | Greater Philadelphia |
Matthew | Lesher | STAKKD Companies | CEO | Indiana |
Daniel | Levison | CRE Holdings | CEO | Georgia |
Michael | Lewandowski | LaSalle Investment Management | Senior Vice President | Chicago |
David | Lewis | J.P. Morgan | Executive Director | New York City Metro |
Josh | Lewis | RL Cold | Chief Operating Officer | NAIOP Member At Large |
Paul | Licausi | LS Commercial Real Estate | President | NAIOP Member At Large |
James | Lighthizer | Chesapeake Real Estate Group, LLC | Principal | Maryland |
George | Liles | Asana Partners | Director - Development | Charlotte |
Brian | Linnihan | CBRE | Vice Chairman | Georgia |
Evan | Lippow | CenterPoint Properties | Vice President, Investments | SoCal |
Dave | Liu | Harrison Street | Managing Director, Head of Healthcare and Life Sciences Asset Management | Chicago |
Justin | Lloyd | Brookfield Properties | Investment Associate | SoCal |
Michael | Loffredo | MDH Partners, LLC | Capital Markets Associate | Georgia |
William | Lu | Outrigger Industrial | Co-Founder, Managing Partner | SoCal |
Jon | Lueders | Holt Lunsford Commercial, Inc. | Vice President - Development | North Texas |
Spencer | Lund | NAI Legacy | Chief Investment Officer | Chicago |
Joe | Macchione | Brennan Investment Group, LLC | Senior Vice President, Head of Midwest Operations | Chicago |
Clark | Machemer | Crow Holdings Development | Senior Managing Director | New Jersey |
George | Macon | MPV Properties | Managing Partner | Charlotte |
Payson | MacWilliam | Clarion Partners | Vice President | North Texas |
Thomas | Maguire | CBRE Investment Management | Director, Asset Management | New Jersey |
Julia | Makarieva | Prologis | Investment Manager | Chicago |
James | Maneri | Link Logistics Real Estate | Managing Director, Market Officer | Greater Philadelphia |
Christopher | Martin | Provident Realty Advisors, Inc. | Director | North Texas |
Rod | Martin | Majestic Realty Co. | Senior Vice President | SoCal |
Alexander | Mawry | Merritt Properties, LLC | Project Manager | Maryland |
Adam | May | Ares Wealth Management Solutions, LLC | Houston | |
Amanda | McCauley | Schnitzer Properties | VP - Leasing & Operations | Southern Nevada |
Brian | McDonagh | Venture One Real Estate, LLC | Vice President Northeast Region | New Jersey |
Todd | McDonald | Gladstone Commercial | Vice President | Northern Virginia |
Sean | McDonnell | Stonemont Financial Group | Senior Vice President | Charlotte |
Jordan | McFarland | Hillwood | Vice President, Acquisitions & Joint Ventures | North Texas |
Steven | McGee | Conor Commercial Real Estate | VP-Southeast Market Officer | Georgia |
Matthew | McIntosh | PGIM Real Estate | Vice President | Georgia |
James | McKenna | Ares Industrial Management | Senior Associate | SoCal |
Scott | McKibben | Matterhorn Venture Partners | CEO | Chicago |
Bryan | McKrell | Link Logistics Real Estate | Managing Director | Sacramento Valley |
Sean | McMullan | Crescent Communities, LLC | Senior Vice President, Capital Markets | Charlotte |
Rose | McNeely | The Meritex Company | Senior Analyst | Minnesota |
Robert | McNeilly | Distribution Realty Group, LLC | Director of Construction | Nashville |
Michael | McNerney | Lowe Enterprises Real Estate Group | Executive Vice President | San Diego |
Allison | Meador | Layton Construction | Dir. Business Development | Arizona |
Andrew | Mele | Trammell Crow Company | Northeast Market Leader | Greater Philadelphia |
Jed | Melson | Affinius Capital | Executive Director, Investments | North Texas |
Dirk | Melton | Marketstreet Enterprises | President | Nashville |
Andrew | Menard | Eastdil Secured | Senior Vice President | SoCal |
James | Mendel | Faropoint | Director of Acquisitions - Florida | South Florida |
Remy | Merritt | Merritt Properties, LLC | Finance & Acquisitions | Maryland |
Burton | Metz | Wangard Partners, Inc. | Vice President | Wisconsin |
Dan | Metzger | Brinkman Partners | Chief Operating Officer | Colorado |
Isaac | Metzger | Grosvenor Americas | Vice President, Investment | DC|MD |
Matthew | Mexia | Dermody Properties | Partner, Southern California | SoCal |
John | Meyer | Terreno Realty Corporation | Chief Operating Officer | Washington |
Robert | Micera | Micera Real Estate Investments, LLC | Senior Managing Principal | Arizona |
Doug | Midkiff | Marketstreet Enterprises | Director of Finance & Investments | Nashville |
Connor | Milanaik | Bridge Industrial | Director, Investments | New Jersey |
Jeffrey | Milanaik | Bridge Industrial | Partner, Northeast Region | New Jersey |
Brett | Milburn | Langan | Director of Applied Technologies / VP | Greater Philadelphia |
Damian | Miller | Piedmont Office Realty Trust | Executive Vice President | North Texas |
Katherine | Miller | Prologis | Investment Manager | North Texas |
Kris | Miller | Ackerman & Co. | President | Georgia |
Monica | Miller | Link Logistics Real Estate | Vice President, Leasing | Georgia |
Patrick | Miller | CHAPARRAL PARTNERS | Partner | North Texas |
Jesse | Millman | Newmark | Senior Managing Director, Capital Markets | Silicon Valley |
TJ | Mills | R.J. Kelly Company | VP | Investments & Development | Massachusetts |
Olivia | Millspaugh | Rockefeller Group | Director | DC|MD |
Matt | Mitchell | Westfield Company, Inc. | Partner, Industrial | Colorado |
Trey | Mohr | Mohr Capital | Principal | North Texas |
Carl | Montante, Jr. | Uniland Development Company | Vice President | Upstate New York |
Michael | Montante | Uniland Development Company | CEO | Upstate New York |
Cole | Moody | CT Realty Investors | Senior Vice President - Acquisitions & Development | SoCal |
Michael | Moorhead | CBRE Investment Management | Associate | SoCal |
Jared | Morgan | Four Springs Capital Trust | Head of Acquisitions | New Jersey |
Peter | Moriarty | IDI Logistics | Associate Investments | Chicago |
Jon | Morris | Beacon Partners | Senior Partner | Charlotte |
Evan | Morton | Bridge Investment Group | Associate, Investments | Georgia |
Neal | Moskowitz | Stonemont Financial Group | Senior VP, Principal | Georgia |
Andrew | Moss | Forsgate Industrial Partners | Director of Leasing & Acquisitions | New Jersey |
Alex | Motiuk | Greek Real Estate Partners | Director of Acquisitions | New Jersey |
A. James | Moxham | Cameron Brothers Company, LLC | CEO | San Diego |
Gary | Mozer | Institutional Property Advisors | Executive Managing Director | SoCal |
Maxwell | Mueller | Logistics Property Company, LLC | Vice President | North Texas |
Saidakhror | Mukhtorov | Arden Logistics Parks | Senior Associate | Greater Philadelphia |
Jonathan | Mulcahy | Zilber Property Group | Director | Wisconsin |
Richard | Muller | VanTrust Real Estate LLC | Executive Vice President, Science + Technology | NAIOP Member At Large |
Marc | Munago | VanTrust Real Estate, LLC | Executive Vice President, Development | Northeast Florida |
Brant | Murdock | Tenby Partners | Partner | Central Ohio |
Michael | Murphy | Cumberland Advisors | Principal | Nashville |
Robert | Murphy | MRP Realty | Managing Principal | Northern Virginia |
Dalton | Myers | Merritt Properties, LLC | Leasing and Market Research | Maryland |
Richard | Myers | TaurusCRE | Partner | Southern Nevada |
Jordan | Nathan | Faropoint | Senior Vice President - Midwest Markets | Chicago |
Matthew | Natzke | CenterPoint Properties | Development Analyst | Chicago |
Mustafa | Neak | Bridge Industrial | Senior Vice President, General Counsel | Chicago |
Michael | Neal | H.G. Fenton Company | President / Chief Executive Officer | San Diego |
W. Watt | Neal | Wilson Hull & Neal ISG | Partner | Georgia |
Jim | Neenan | Prime West | President and CEO | Colorado |
Anthony | Nelson | Link Logistics Real Estate | Senior Vice President | Chicago |
Paul | Nelson | Invesco Real Estate | Managing Director, Investment Management | North Texas |
Shawn | Neuman | Brandywine Realty Trust | SVP, General Counsel | Greater Philadelphia |
Matthew | Neumann | Becknell Industrial | SVP | Chicago |
Bradley | Nicklin | Baker Tilly US, LLP | Partner | Northern Virginia |
Patricia | Noble | Ascentris | Managing Director | Colorado |
Michael | Odum | Akridge | Development Manager | DC|MD |
Steven | Oliveira | PGIM Real Estate | Managing Director | New Jersey |
Stephanie | O'Neil | Prologis | Manager, Investments | Colorado |
Timothy | O'Neill | Langan | Senior Project Manager | Chicago |
David | O'Reilly | High Street Logistics Properties | Managing Director, Acquisitions | Georgia |
Ann | Orem | Clarke-Hook Corporation | Vice President | Northern Virginia |
Greer | Oxford | Nuveen | Senior Director, Industrial Acquisitions - Central Region | North Texas |
Kelan | Padgett | Bridge Logistics Properties | Associate | North Texas |
Guilherme | Palocci | Clarion Partners | Vice President | New York City Metro |
Michael | Panzica | M. Panzica Development | Owner | Northern Ohio |
Ben | Paolone | Becknell Industrial | Executive Vice President - Investments & Capital Markets | Chicago |
Katie | Parsons | JLL | EMD - National Investor Account Team | Washington |
Adam | Pastor | Eastdil Secured | Managing Director | SoCal |
Steve | Pastor | NAI James E. Hanson, Inc. | Vice President Global Supply Chain & Port/Rail Logistics / NAI Global Industrial Chairperson | New Jersey |
Mayank | Patel | Stonemont Financial Group | General Counsel | Georgia |
Vishal | Patel | Langan | Senior Project Manager | North Texas |
Garret | Pavelko | Realty Income Corporation | Senior Vice President, Asset Management | San Diego |
Josie | Peacock | Birge & Held | Vice President, Investor Relations | Chicago |
Michael | Pelt | MDH Partners, LLC | Vice Chairman | Georgia |
Salvator | Perdomo | Titan Development LLC | Director of Acquisitions and Development | New Mexico |
Javier | Perez | Menlo Equities | Vice President, Investments | Austin |
Michael | Perkins | Majestic Realty Co. | Vice President | SoCal |
Ellie | Perlin | Ambient Capital Partners | Vice President | Chicago |
Kelsey | Perrin | Prologis | VP, Investment Officer | Chicago |
Anders | Pesavento | Ryan Companies US, Inc. | Senior Vice President - Capital Markets | Minnesota |
Daniel | Pessar | EMH | New Jersey | |
Makenna | Peter | JLL Capital Markets | Director | SoCal |
Dane | Petersen | Affinius Capital | Vice President | NAIOP Member At Large |
William | Pfohl | MDH Partners, LLC | Associate | Georgia |
Brian | Pieracci | Heitman | Managing Director | Chicago |
Matthew | Pizzolato | Accordia Realty Ventures | Senior Director | New Jersey |
Ashly | Pleasant | Weaver | Director, ESG and Sustainability Services | North Texas |
Erin | Plourde | Seagis Property Group | Senior Vice President of Investments | Greater Philadelphia |
William | Plunk | Link Logistics Real Estate | Associate, Investments | North Texas |
Lawrence | Pobuda | Opus Group | Executive Vice President, General Manager | Arizona |
Zachary | Poe | Sterling Organization | SoCal | |
Joseph | Polito | Pillar Properties | President | Washington |
John | Pollock | Trammell Crow Company | Principal | Greater Philadelphia |
Misty | Ponce | Partner Engineering & Science, Inc. | Principal | SoCal |
Stephen | Porterfield | Capital Associates | President | Raleigh Durham |
Arvid | Povilaitis | The Meritex Company | Chief Operating Officer | Minnesota |
Stephen | Powell | B.F. Saul Company | Senior Vice President, Acquisitions & Development | DC|MD |
Anthony | Pricco | Overlook Ventures | President | Chicago |
Kiefer | Price | Faropoint | Director of Acquisitions | Chicago |
Jeff | Pustizzi | Alterra Property Group | Co-Founding Partner and General Counsel | Greater Philadelphia |
John | Quinn | First Industrial Realty Trust | Market Leader - NorCal & Seattle | San Francisco Bay Area |
Kevin | Ramos | Buzz Oates | Chief Investment Officer | Sacramento Valley |
Michael | Ramparas | Granite REIT | Executive Vice President, Global Real Estate and Head of Investments | Greater Toronto |
Hanna | Rasche | Becknell Industrial | AVP Investments & Capital Markets | Chicago |
Sagar | Rathie | Crescent Communities, LLC | Managing Director | Charlotte |
Eli | Ray | Dalfen Industrial | Investment Associate | North Texas |
Mark | Ray | Ray Fogg Corporate Properties, LLC | Chief Operating Officer | Northern Ohio |
Kyle | Rea | Tolles Development Company | Chief Operating Officer | Northern Nevada |
Michael | Reed | Ryan Companies | Associate Director of Development | North Texas |
Steven | Reed | Ullico | Vice President, Real Estate Equity | DC|MD |
Cole | Reethof | CBRE | Vice President, U.S Healthcare Capital Markets (HCM) | Georgia |
Ryan | Reethof | Newmark | Senior Managing Director | Georgia |
Mark | Reinikka | BentallGreenOak | Managing Director, Asset Management | Washington |
Andrew | Reppert | Triten Real Estate Partners | Associate | North Texas |
Matt | Rexroth | Watson Land Company | Director - Strategic Planning & Development | SoCal |
Jennifer | Rice | First Industrial Realty Trust, Inc. | General Counsel | Chicago |
Jacob | Rich | Faropoint | Senior Vice President, Texas Market Officer | North Texas |
Brian | Richards | Beacon Partners | CFO | Charlotte |
Joshua | Richmond | Evergreen Medical Properties | President | Colorado |
Jagger | Riefler | Trammell Crow Company | Investment Manager | New Jersey |
Jared | Riemer | Trammell Crow Company | Principal | Inland Empire |
Jack | Riester | WPT Capital Advisors | Director, Asset Management | Minnesota |
Mindy | Rietz | United Properties | Vice President - Development | Colorado |
James | Ringer | Diamond Realty Investments, Inc. | Investment Manager | North Texas |
Kevin | Rivest | BentallGreenOak | Managing Partner, Head of U.S. Cold Storage | DC|MD |
John | Robbins | Granite Properties, Inc. | Senior Managing Director | Georgia |
Justin | Robinson | Stream Realty Partners, LP | Partner | Houston |
Mackinley | Robinson | Berkadia | Senior Director | Washington |
Gerald | Robison | Brookfield Properties | Investment Strategy, Logistics | Georgia |
Michael | Roderick | Roderick Enterprises | President | Utah |
Zach | Romano | RL Cold | Chief Operating Officer | Georgia |
Liza | Romans | Northwestern Mutual Real Estate Investments, LLC | Director | Wisconsin |
Gregory | Rooney | The Bernstein Companies | SVP, Development | DC|MD |
Aaron | Rosdal | Prologis | SVP, Acquisition/Dispositions | Colorado |
John | Rose | JLL Capital Markets | Senior Managing Director | North Texas |
Royce | Rose | CBRE | Vice President | South Florida |
Micah | Rosen | MDH Partners, LLC | Senior Vice President, Development | Georgia |
Bryan | Rosenberg | Eastdil Secured, LLC | Director | Chicago |
Reon | Roski | Majestic Realty Co. | CEO | SoCal |
John | Ross | Summit Real Estate Group | Director, Investments | NAIOP Member At Large |
Georga | Rowe | MDH Partners | Managing Director | North Texas |
Megan | Royer | Prologis | Investment Director, Dispositions | Maryland |
Michael | Ruen | High Street Logistics Properties | Senior Managing Director/Principal | Georgia |
Tom | Rupprecht | R & R Realty Group | Executive Vice President | NAIOP Member At Large |
Michael | Russell | United Construction Company | Executive Vice President | Northern Nevada |
Christopher | Ryan | Link Logistics Real Estate | Senior Vice President | SoCal |
Greg | Ryan | Teakwood Real Estate Partners | Managing Partner | Georgia |
Patrick | Ryan | Cushman and Wakefield | Director | SoCal |
Jim | Ryden | Ryden Investments, LLC | CEO | Southern Nevada |
George | Sacks | Commercial Florida Realty Partners, LLC | Principal | South Florida |
Canan | Safar | CV Properties/Accordia Partners | SVP, Development | Massachusetts |
Gaurav | Sahay | GTIS Partners | Managing Director - Industrial/Logistics | North Texas |
Jacquelin | Salon | Bain Capital Real Estate | Principal | Massachusetts |
Darin | Sand | Goodman Realty Group | Senior Vice President of Development | New Mexico |
Gregg | Sandreuter | HM Partners | Partner | Raleigh Durham |
Christopher | Sanford | Ares Industrial Management | Managing Director, Development | SoCal |
Matt | Sargent | BentallGreenOak | Managing Director, Asset Management | Massachusetts |
Michael | Scheurich | Arch-Con Corporation | CEO | Houston |
Larry | Schiffenhaus | CBRE | Executive Vice President | New Jersey |
Paul | Schlapobersky | SCB | Principal - Director of Planning and Urban Design | Massachusetts |
Tim | Schlichting | Prime West | President | Colorado |
Matt | Schlindwein | Greek Real Estate Partners | Managing Partner | New Jersey |
Danielle | Schline | Prologis | Senior Vice President, Market Officer | Maryland |
Kyle | Schmidt | Cushman & Wakefield US, Inc. | Executive Managing Director | New Jersey |
Brittany | Schneider | The Conlan Company | Business Development Manager | North Texas |
Courtney | Schneider | Hines | Director | Colorado |
Cole | Schnorf | Manekin LLC | Chief Operating Officer | Maryland |
Daniel | Schuchinsky | Jadian Capital | Managing Director | New York City Metro |
Peter | Schultz | First Industrial Realty Trust, Inc. | Executive Vice President | Greater Philadelphia |
Jacqueline | Schwartz | Rockefeller Group | Associate | New Jersey |
Daniel | Seltzer | RCM&D | Principal | Greater Philadelphia |
Nader | Shah | Hudson Pacific Properties | Senior Vice President, Construction & Development | SoCal |
Will | Sharpe | WPT Capital Advisors | Director, Investments | Minnesota |
Connor | Sharples | Boyd Watterson Asset Management | Assistant Vice President, Acquisitions | Chicago |
Mark | Shearer | Rockefeller Group | Senior Managing Director | New Jersey |
Ahnie | Sheehy | Prologis | Director, Leasing | North Texas |
Topper | Sheehy | CBRE Investment Management | Acquisitions | North Texas |
Bret | Sheffield | VanTrust Real Estate, LLC | Executive Vice President | Northeast Florida |
Erin | Shepherd | Ambrose | Vice President, Asset Management | Indiana |
Alan | Sheppard | Greenberg Traurig | Shareholder | Central Florida |
Vedanth | Shetty | Grandway Group | SoCal | |
Drew | Shim | Founders Properties, LLC | Senior Associate | Minnesota |
Kelly | Shooshan | The Shooshan Company | CEO | Northern Virginia |
Matthew | Shore | DRA Advisors LLC | Chief Investment Officer | South Florida |
Samuel | Sidoine | IRG Realty Advisors LLC | Project Executive | Washington |
Thomas | Siewert | Terrence J. Rose, Inc. | Partner | San Francisco Bay Area |
Adam | Silverman | Geltmore, LLC | Principal | New Mexico |
Matthew | Sims | Prologis | Director, Project Development | San Francisco Bay Area |
Cory | Singer | Griffco Design/Build, Inc. | Senior Vice President | Georgia |
Tim | Slater | McWhinney | Managing Director | Colorado |
Dan | Smith | Brennan Investment Group | Vice President | Chicago |
Geoff | Smith | Barings | Managing Director | Chicago |
Stephen | Smith | Cooper Carry, Inc. | Principal | Northern Virginia |
Benjamin | Snow | Cabot Properties, Inc | Senior Associate, Investments | Massachusetts |
Robert | Snow | Roux Associates Inc. | Business Development Manager | New Jersey |
Kim | Snyder | Prologis | Executive Director | Inland Empire |
Joseph | Sollazzo | Calibogue Capital | Director | New York City Metro |
Adam | Sonenshine | Holder Properties | Senior Managing Director, Chief Operating Officer and General Counsel | Georgia |
Al | Sorrels | Majestic Realty Co. | Senior Vice President | North Texas |
David | Sours | CBRE | Cold Storage Expert | Senior Vice President | North Texas |
Eric | Sporre | PacTrust | Vice President | Oregon |
Mark | Spotts | The Meritex Company | Chief Financial Officer | Minnesota |
Natalie | Sproull | Capital One Healthcare | Senior Director | Colorado |
Kendall | St.Ange | TRC Companies | Senior Scientist | New Jersey |
Ben | Stafford | Pattillo Industrial Real Estate | Vice President | Georgia |
Christopher | Stanley | MDH Partners, LLC | Senior Managing Director | Georgia |
Jennifer | Stein | Rockefeller Group | Director, Real Estate Development | New Jersey |
CJ | Stempeck | Brennan Investment Group | Vice President, Capital Markets | Chicago |
Robert | Stephens | IDI Logistics | Market Officer | Cincinnati/Northern KY |
Max | Stern | Lexington Realty Trust | SVP, Director of Acquisitions | New York City Metro |
Kathryn | Stevens | Brookfield Properties | Vice President, Leasing | Chicago |
Tony | Stewart | Lease Crutcher Lewis | President, Oregon Division | Oregon |
Ryan | Stoller | Venture One Real Estate, LLC | Managing Partner – Development | Chicago |
Sidney | Stratton | Prologis | Development Manager | North Texas |
Charles | Strauss | JLL Capital Markets | Senior Director - Industrial Capital Markets | Houston |
Martin | Strenk | Hillwood | Transaction Associate | Greater Philadelphia |
Brian | Strohl | Link Logistics Real Estate | Senior Vice President, Development | North Texas |
David | Strouse | Birchwood Capital Partners | President & CEO | Maryland |
Jason | Sturman | Ambrose | President & Chief Investment Officer | Indiana |
Jake | Sutker | Forsgate Industrial Partners | Director | New Jersey |
Douglas | Swain | Logistix Property Group | President | Cincinnati/Northern KY |
Gary | Swatko | Merritt Properties, LLC | Director of Development and Construction | Maryland |
Kyle | Sweeney | Flagship Healthcare Properties | Chief Investment Officer | Charlotte |
Newton | Szeto | Starwood Capital | Analyst | San Francisco Bay Area |
Michael | Tait | St. John Properties, Inc. | Manager, Leasing | Maryland |
Bradford | Takala | Griffith Properties, LLC | Principal | Massachusetts |
Alijah | Talley | Affinius Capital | Associate Portfolio Manager | NAIOP Member At Large |
Connor | Tamlyn | Bridge Logistics Properties | Managing Director | North Texas |
Celeste | Tanner | Confluent Development | Chief Development Officer | Colorado |
William | Tanner | Distribution Realty Group, LLC | Vice President of Capital Deployment | Nashville |
Milos | Tasic | Clarion Partners | Vice President | North Texas |
Raouf | Tawfik | Bridge Investment Group | Investments Associate | New Jersey |
Alexander | Tebo | Bridge Logistics Properties | Associate, Investments | North Texas |
Jason | Tenenbaum | Prologis | SVP - Market Officer | South Florida |
Michael | Tenteris | Cushman & Wakefield | Executive Managing Director | Chicago |
Nick | Thigpen | Ares Management LLC | Principal | Colorado |
Jonathan | Thomas | Ware Malcomb | Principal | Washington |
J. Elliott | Thomasson | Ambrose | Vice President, Capital Markets | Indiana |
Gabe | Thornton | Inclenberg Investments | Managing Director | Austin |
Robert | Timmons | Arden Logistics Parks | Managing Director , Head of Asset Management | North Texas |
Kyle | Timson | Bendetti | Director of Asset Management | SoCal |
Graham | Tingler | Kearny Real Estate Company | CEO | Inland Empire |
William | Tinsley | MDH Partners, LLC | VP - Construction | Georgia |
Leo | Titus | ECS | Chief Operating Officer | Northern Virginia |
Jessica | Toal | ASD|Sky Design | Principal / Vice-President | Georgia |
Christopher | Todd | NAI James E. Hanson, Inc. | Industrial Specialist | New Jersey |
Dale | Todd | Stream Realty Partners, LP | Senior Director | North Texas |
Jay | Todisco | Ware Malcomb | President | SoCal |
Sara | Tokhanbeigi | Oxford Properties Group | Manager, Office Leasing | Calgary |
Par | Tolles | Tolles Development Company | CEO | Northern Nevada |
Harvey | Tong | Link Logistics Real Estate | Investment Associate | North Texas |
John | Torp | Brennan Investment Group | Senior Vice President | Colorado |
Mitchell | Townsend | CORE5 Industrial Partners | Vice President - Investments | Georgia |
Joel | Traut | KKR | Partner | New York City Metro |
Damen | Trebilcock | Russell | Vice President | NAIOP Member At Large |
Cameron | Trefry | Ware Malcomb | Regional Vice President | Chicago |
Tanner | Tremaine | Majestic Realty Co. | Development Associate | Arizona |
Linsley | Truesdale | SunCap Property Group | National Build-to-suit | Charlotte |
Matt | Tucker | Bridge Investment Group | Co-Chief Investment Officer, Bridge Net Lease | Northern Virginia |
Townsend | Underhill | Stirling Properties | President & Chief Executive Officer | Gulf Coast |
John | Uppgren | AEW Capital Management | Assistant Vice President | Massachusetts |
Ben | Varin | Avenue 55 | Development Manager | Washington |
Alexander | Vasileff | Bedrock | Vice President, Acquisitions | Detroit |
Kiara | Vazquez | Cabot Properties, Inc | Investment Analyst | Massachusetts |
Louis | Vecchio | Crow Holdings Development | Analyst | SoCal |
Toby | Veit | Ryan Companies US, Inc. | VP of Real Estate Development | Chicago |
Aaron | Velasco | Prologis | Manager, Investments | Arizona |
Anthony | Venditti | DRA Advisors LLC | Acquistions | New Jersey |
Alexander | Verbeten | Travelers | Vice President - Portfolio Manager | Minnesota |
Daniel | Vickerman | Heitman | Vice President - Investment Research | Chicago |
Neil | Viny | Dalad Realty | President, Dalad Properties | Northern Ohio |
Salvatore | Visali | GID Industrial | Director | Massachusetts |
Ryan | Viscusi | Prologis | Investment Director | North Texas |
Dustin | Volz | Newmark | Vice Chairman | North Texas |
Carlie | Vowell | Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce | Director of Economic Development | Nashville |
Michael | Wachs | Linden Lane Capital Partners | Principal | Greater Philadelphia |
Chris | Wagner | Crawford Hoying | SVP | Central Ohio |
Graham | Wahlberg | Goodman North America | Vice President Investment Management | SoCal |
Brian | Walker | Burns Scalo Equities | President | Pittsburgh |
Keith | Wallace | Merritt Properties | Vice President - North Carolina Region | Raleigh Durham |
Wells | Waller | JLL Capital Markets | Director | South Florida |
Elena | Walsh | Barings | Managing Director Portfolio Management | Chicago |
Tim | Ward | Ares Management | Vice President | Chicago |
Chasen | Watson | CT Realty Investors | Vice President, Acquisitions | SoCal |
Steven | Watts | Rose Rock Development Partners | CEO | Oklahoma |
Aaron | Weaver | Bendetti | President | SoCal |
Thomas | Weber | JLL Capital Markets | Director | North Texas |
Howard | Wedren | Dayton Street Partners | Managing Principal | Chicago |
Ben | Weinstein | CRG | Director of Development | Chicago |
Garry | Weiss | ARCO Murray | Vice President - Nat'l Director of Business Development & Strategic Initiatives | Chicago |
Nicole | Welch | Clarion Partners | Managing Director | Inland Empire |
Colleen | Wevodau | Baker Tilly US, LLP | Principal | Northern Virginia |
Matt | Weyback | H.I.G. Capital | Principal | New York City Metro |
Connor | White | Brennan Investment Group, LLC | Leasing Associate | Chicago |
Joshua | White | Link Logistics Real Estate | AVP - Leasing | Chicago |
Charlie | Wigdale | Comunale Properties, LLC | Director, Investments | Colorado |
Jake | Wilk | Link Logistics Real Estate | Associate, Development | New York City Metro |
Christopher | Williams | Dogwood Industrial | Vice President | Massachusetts |
Elliot | Williams | TPA Group, LLC | Vice President | Georgia |
Courtney | Wing | Newcastle Partners, LLC. | Development Manager | SoCal |
Jack | Wise | Gray Inc | Assistant Manager | NAIOP Member At Large |
Elliott | Wislar | PRP Real Estate Investment | Managing Director, Net Lease Investments | Northern Virginia |
Matt | Withey | Virtus Real Estate Capital | Managing Director, Acquisitions | Arizona |
Tosh | Wolfe | Wilson Development Group | Principal | Georgia |
Aly | Wolff | Cabot Properties, Inc. | Vice President, Investments | Chicago |
Edward | Wolynec | Clarion Partners | Senior Vice President | Charlotte |
Bryan | Won | CenterPoint Properties | Investment Officer | New Jersey |
Jennifer | Wong | AEW Capital Management, LP | Director | Massachusetts |
Raymond | Wong | Ryan ULC | Vice President, Data Solutions, Client Delivery | Greater Toronto |
Rebecca | Woods | Seyfarth Shaw LLC | Attorney | Georgia |
Michael | Wurtsbaugh | CRE Advisors, LLC | Managing Partner | Georgia |
Lamya | Yammine | Link Logistics Real Estate | Investments Analyst | New York City Metro |
Nicholas | Yawman | Avenue 55 | Development Manager | Washington |
Lauren | Young | PCCP, LLC | Partner | San Francisco Bay Area |
Sara | Young | Clarion Partners | Senior Vice President, Industrial Asset Management | North Texas |
Mike | Yungerman | Opus Development Company, LLC | Senior Vice President, General Manager | Chicago |
Drew | Zaborowski | Bear Creek Real Estate Partners | Partner | Washington |
Ryan | Zebro | Ciminelli Real Estate Corp | Vice President, Investments | Upstate New York |
Scott | Ziance | Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP | Partner | Central Ohio |
Edward | Zigo | Clarke-Hook Corporation | President | Northern Virginia |
Whitney | Zimmermann | Cabot Properties, Inc. | Director | New York City Metro |
Seth | Zuidema | Cushman & Wakefield US, Inc. | Senior Analyst | New Jersey |