February 25, 2025 | Washington, D.C.
Following an all-night session, Senate Republicans passed their fiscal 2025 budget resolution early Friday morning by a vote of 52-48. This is the first step towards writing a filibuster-proof reconciliation package, which GOP senators want to use for appropriating more than $340 billion in military and immigration enforcement spending.
House Republicans will return to Washington, D.C., this week to vote on their version of a budget resolution that would allow tax cuts along with $300 billion for border and defense spending. The House resolution also includes a $4 trillion increase in the debt limit and $2 trillion in spending cuts over the 10-year budget window. House Republicans can only afford to lose one vote, and there is still disagreement within their conference, with some fiscal hawks insisting on deeper spending cuts to make room for a tax package that party centrists say that they cannot support.
If House Republicans are successful in reaching an agreement, the differences in the House and Senate-passed resolutions will need to be resolved so that identical resolutions can be approved by both chambers before President Donald Trump’s tax and spending promises can be considered.