Goal 4

Enhance the public perception of the CRE Industry. 

1. Establish a baseline of existing perceptions about the commercial real estate industry. 

  • Identify and prioritize audience segments.  
  • Conduct a public perception survey.  

2. Develop and implement strategies for improving the baseline.  

  • Create a task force to lead this effort. 
  • Deploy allies and alliances across the association and industry to create consensus and develop a strong and unified message. 

3. Increase awareness of career opportunities in the CRE industry. 

  • Assess the related activities of NAIOP chapters and leverage them across the chapter network. 
  • Develop content and resources to inform rising generations and attract them to the industry. 
  • Deploy allies and alliances across the industry to create a more unified and stronger message. 

Update: Second Quarter 2024

1. Establish a baseline of existing perceptions about the commercial real estate industry.

This initiative will begin at the conclusion of the branding initiative.

2. Develop and implement strategies for improving the baseline.

This initiative will begin at the conclusion of the branding initiative.

3. Increase awareness of career opportunities in the CRE industry.

Our members have shared that hiring and keeping top talent is a challenge. Demographic data shows that this trend is expected to only intensify in the future.

In June, NAIOP’s Research Foundation released a new study entitled Recruiting, Training and Retaining Talent in the Real Estate Development Industry. Our hope is that our members will use this to educate themselves on best practices in CRE pipeline development.
