Goal 2

Strengthen our position as the association of choice for CRE professionals. 

1. Increase the visibility, engagement and involvement of CRE senior leaders. 

  • Identify ways to attract and serve senior leaders and create added value for their involvement.  
  • Assist the chapters in serving the local market leaders and strengthen the value proposition for engaging at both the local and national level. 

2. Establish baseline of member engagement and develop a strategy to increase inclusion and participation. 

  • Evaluate member engagement through already existing metrics and through membership survey.  
  • Create and implement a plan for enhanced engagement of all industry stakeholders– both member and non-member. 
  • Explore the feasibility and value of a national mentorship program to supplement chapter mentorship program. 
  • Integrate chapter member and prospect data with NAIOP Corporate systems. 

3. Develop capacity to identify future needs of the industry and provide resources to ensure member success. 

  • Explore a more comprehensive, inclusive way of collecting and vetting possible new member products and services.  
  • Activate volunteers to supplement capacity to expand on new programs and ideas. 
  • Increase our focus on creating unique networking and business building opportunities between stakeholders. 
  • Create partnerships with other associations and groups that may be additive to these efforts. 

Update: Second Quarter 2024

1. Increase the visibility, engagement and involvement of CRE senior leaders.

In June, NAIOP sent a survey to chapter executives to garner feedback on current chapter services provided by NAIOP Corporate and inquire about possible new services and products that could help them on the chapter level. The Membership and Chapter relations team will evaluate and determine next steps, with an eye toward developing new products and services that would better support chapters and improve membership return on investment on the local level.

Also, in response to member feedback, we are in the process of planning a Nearshoring/Onshoring Summit to be held in Phoenix, Arizona, November 12-13. This is an invite-only event targeting senior leaders and thought leaders in the CRE industry.

2. Establish baseline of member engagement and develop a strategy to increase inclusion and participation.

NAIOP is currently in the process of developing an enhancement to our database that would allow us to extrapolate data on our member engagement. What services and products are our members using, how are they using them, and to what extent? While this system would be housed within NAIOP’s Corporate database, aggregated information will be available to share with chapter leaders.

Quarter two was also spent executing several member and nonmember engagement strategies that included targeted, multi-tiered outreach highlighting different NAIOP member benefits, programs and services. We experimented with a peer-to-peer nonmember outreach program at I.CON East which yielded promising results that we look forward to expanding upon. We also launched a program that allows us to capture all member prospects from chapters easily into our database to allow for more streamlined and robust member marketing campaigns. To date, we have collected over 14,000 new member prospects from our chapters and this number continues to grow.

3. Develop capacity to identify future needs of the industry and provide resources to ensure member success.

NAIOP consistently strives to anticipate and respond to member needs. In the last several years, we have seen great growth in our NAIOP Corporate events, especially the I.CON Conferences. In the last two years, NAIOP has sold out I.CON West, I.CON East, as well as our newly launched I.CON Cold Storage. We have seen waiting lists of over 200 people.

In response to this demand, in May 2024, NAIOP CEO Marc Selvitelli presented a proposal to the NAIOP Executive Committee for continued expansion of our educational offerings, which was approved. In 2025, we will launch our first I.CON Central event. Planning for this event is underway and the location and date for this event will be posted on the NAIOP web site in the coming weeks.
