Goal 1

Strengthen our member value proposition by increasing our understanding of our customers and our competition.

1. Increase the accuracy and the volume of the association’s data.    

  • Conduct research on the size and scope of the commercial real estate industry.  
  • Conduct a Member Survey to understand why members join and stay and identify value value/need gaps. 
  • Establish and implement a data collection and integrity policy. 
  • Conduct a competitive analysis of both association and corporate competitors.   

2. Cultivate an inclusive culture and develop a system/framework to engage and support traditionally underrepresented groups in CRE. 

  • Establish a baseline of current DEI metrics within the organization.  
  • Set an organizational strategy around diversity and inclusion and establish a standing DEI committee. 
  • Continue to enhance our focus on diverse representation in our governance, marketing, content and programming.   
  • Identify and create a strategy for aligning our efforts with allies and partners. 

3. Expand the scope of our services to include a more holistic focus on all CRE asset classes. 

  • Examine the need for a name change. 
  • Ensure that our programming and content reflects the current demographics of our membership. 

Update: Second Quarter 2024

1. Increase the accuracy and the volume of the association’s data.

A member survey is currently being drafted and is scheduled for deployment later this summer. This survey will gauge member satisfaction and engagement and will allow us to better understand member needs.

Also, later this summer, we plan to conduct a member demographical profile update to ascertain additional details both individually on our members (including data that will allow us to track diversity in our industry) as well as procurement of information on our members’ businesses – scope of business, asset classes, etc. We believe a marked shift has occurred in our member demographics with a far greater diversification of asset classes now than was traditionally represented in NAIOP. More solid member data will allow us to confirm this and craft appropriate content and services to meet the changing needs of our members.

2. Cultivate an inclusive culture and develop a system/framework to engage and support traditionally underrepresented groups in CRE.

The DEI Committee is off to an excellent start, having met in April and June. Committee priorities are still being defined but early discussions have focused on a desire to continue to build on the progress of NAIOP’s already existing DEI initiatives; considering potential talent development partners who would create improved opportunities for diverse talent; and fostering a more inclusive environment within NAIOP.

3. Expand the scope of our services to include a more holistic focus on all CRE asset classes.

In conjunction with our data procurement efforts, in late 2023, we hired a professional branding firm to examine our brand and our name, to ensure that NAIOP is accurately reflecting the organization’s current mission and diversified member composition. Earlier this year, the branding firm completed the research phase of these efforts, including a survey, focus groups and interviews with key member and nonmember stakeholders. They presented the results of their findings to NAIOP’s Corporate Executive Committee and Board of Directors in May. The NAIOP leadership is still ruminating over the results and will continue to discuss the pros and cons of moving forward with either a brand refresh or a full name change.

Internally, the NAIOP staff has been working closely with our event and research committees to place greater emphasis on incorporating more Canadian content into our programming, tailor career-appropriate content toward our developing leader and students, as well as more robustly utilize the data we have to drive our topic decisions for event, course and research content.
