Strategic Plan: Goals, Objectives and Strategies

Below are the strategic initiatives for 2024-2026. We will report on progress toward these initiatives each quarter and at each board meeting.

Goal 1: Strengthen our member value proposition by increasing our understanding of our customers and our competition. 

1. Increase the accuracy and the volume of the association’s data.    

  • Conduct research on the size and scope of the commercial real estate industry.  
  • Conduct a Member Survey to understand why members join and stay and identify value value/need gaps. 
  • Establish and implement a data collection and integrity policy. 
  • Conduct a competitive analysis of both association and corporate competitors.   

2. Cultivate an inclusive culture and develop a system/framework to engage and support traditionally underrepresented groups in CRE. 

  • Establish a baseline of current DEI metrics within the organization.  
  • Set an organizational strategy around diversity and inclusion and establish a standing DEI committee. 
  • Continue to enhance our focus on diverse representation in our governance, marketing, content and programming.   
  • Identify and create a strategy for aligning our efforts with allies and partners. 

3. Expand the scope of our services to include a more holistic focus on all CRE asset classes. 

  • Examine the need for a name change. 
  • Ensure that our programming and content reflects the current demographics of our membership. 

Goal 2: Strengthen our position as the association of choice for CRE professionals. 

1. Increase the visibility, engagement and involvement of CRE senior leaders. 

  • Identify ways to attract and serve senior leaders and create added value for their involvement.  
  • Assist the chapters in serving the local market leaders and strengthen the value proposition for engaging at both the local and national level. 

2. Establish baseline of member engagement and develop a strategy to increase inclusion and participation. 

  • Evaluate member engagement through already existing metrics and through membership survey.  
  • Create and implement a plan for enhanced engagement of all industry stakeholders– both member and non-member. 
  • Explore the feasibility and value of a national mentorship program to supplement chapter mentorship program. 
  • Integrate chapter member and prospect data with NAIOP Corporate systems. 

3. Develop capacity to identify future needs of the industry and provide resources to ensure member success. 

  • Explore a more comprehensive, inclusive way of collecting and vetting possible new member products and services.  
  • Activate volunteers to supplement capacity to expand on new programs and ideas. 
  • Increase our focus on creating unique networking and business building opportunities between stakeholders. 
  • Create partnerships with other associations and groups that may be additive to these efforts. 

Goal 3: Deepen NAIOP’s leadership and involvement in federal, state, provincial, and local advocacy efforts.  

1. Increase member awareness of federal legislative priorities and efforts. 

  • Employ an increased level of communication regarding NAIOP’s advocacy successes and needs for support. 
  • Create and implement a robust plan to increase support for NAIOP-PAC. 

2. Collaborate with chapters to understand and support regional legislative priorities and positions. 

  • Continue to be the catalyst in increasing cross-state communication between parties involved in advocating on the state and provincial level, to share knowledge and lessons learned. 

3. Explore methods of enhancing chapter lobbying support. 


Goal 4: Enhance the public perception of the CRE Industry. 

1. Establish a baseline of existing perceptions about the commercial real estate industry. 

  • Identify and prioritize audience segments.  
  • Conduct a public perception survey.  

2. Develop and implement strategies for improving the baseline.  

  • Create a task force to lead this effort. 
  • Deploy allies and alliances across the association and industry to create consensus and develop a strong and unified message. 

3. Increase awareness of career opportunities in the CRE industry. 

  • Assess the related activities of NAIOP chapters and leverage them across the chapter network. 
  • Develop content and resources to inform rising generations and attract them to the industry. 
  • Deploy allies and alliances across the industry to create a more unified and stronger message. 

