Editorial Board
The Editorial Board is comprised of eight to 15 NAIOP members who are industry leaders and have a well-tuned sense of trends impacting the commercial real estate development industry. The Editorial Board serves as an advisory body that assists Development magazine editorial staff by suggesting interesting and provocative topics, as well as potential writers and information sources, for magazine columns and feature articles. It also serves as a sounding board, by providing feedback on proposed, planned and published editorial material.
Members of the Editorial Board meet quarterly via one-hour conference calls. An invitation and agenda are circulated to all board members one week before the meeting. Board members are expected to participate actively in these calls by offering feedback on the most recent issue of the magazine as well as on proposed topics for future issues.
Serving on the Editorial Board should not be construed as a business development opportunity for board members, who rarely author articles or are quoted personally.
Ready to advance these initiatives?
Apply to the Development Magazine Editorial Board.
Editorial Board members are expected to participate in a minimum of three conference calls per year. In-person meetings typically are held once a year at NAIOP’s national fall meeting.
Editorial Board members who continue to participate in conference calls on a regular basis may remain on the board for up to five years. Those who fail to attend three consecutive meetings or three meetings within a calendar year will be removed from the board so that their seat can be filled by a more active member.
Need further assistance? Please contact
Jennifer LeFurgy, Ph.D.
Vice President, Knowledge & Research
Executive Director, NAIOP Research Foundation
Editor-in-Chief, Development
NAIOP The Commercial Real Estate Development Association
2355 Dulles Corner Boulevard, Suite 750, Herndon, VA 20171
Main: (703) 904-7100 | Voice and Text: (703) 965-7993